Page 62 of Bound By Love
I cringed. I was no better than Will for lying to Derek. “Yes. Miranda Bradford.” I reached for his hand, but he pulled it away. “Derek, please, let’s talk.”
He didn’t say anything as he dropped onto the sofa. I sat opposite him. It was probably better to keep some distance between us. The confusion in his eyes was palpable. I was confused too.
His flummoxed gaze settled on my face. “So talk. Tell me what in the hell is going on.”
I dropped my head, clasping my hands together. Where did I begin?
“Okay… Will is my ex-boyfriend. He’d been cheating on me since June, and Labor Day weekend, I said enough is enough. I moved out of his place and relocated up here.” I shrugged a shoulder as I grimaced.
“Why did you change your name? That’s so crazy to assume a new identity. Are you afraid of him?”
“Yes. I’m afraid.” I hated saying I feared Will because I didn’t believe he’d hurt me physically, but his family had already taken one baby from its mother. I’d be damned if I let them take my baby. “Well, of his family.”
“Because they’re wealthy and do as they please. I’m afraid they’ll take my baby from me.” Tears welled behind my eyes. I was so terrified they’d take my baby. And now Will knew where I was, which meant his family probably knew too. I wiped away a tear as it streaked down my cheek.
“Honey, just because they’re rich doesn’t mean they’ll take your baby.”
I nodded rapidly, wiping away a few more tears. “Yes, it does. They have the money and power to get what they want. They forced Will’s cousin’s mother to sign away her rights for one million dollars.”
“A million dollars?” Derek gasped.
“Derek, I’m not being dramatic or overreacting. Will’s family would never let me raise the baby if I wasn’t with Will.” I placed my hand over my stomach, breathing deeply. “My child is the next heir. If it’s a boy… Oh God, if it’s a boy…” I launched off the sofa in a panic. I gulped air, but it didn’t feel like any was getting into my lungs as I was struck by a panic attack.
“Anna… Honey…” Derek grabbed my shoulders. “It’s okay. Breathe in slowly, and out…”
I did as he said.
“In and out. Imagine filling your lungs with air.”
I nodded as I followed his instruction. In and out. In and out.
“There you go. Now come sit back down.” He took my trembling hand and led me to the sofa. This time he sat beside me and draped an arm around my shoulder. “What do you mean by an heir?”
I inhaled and exhaled one more cleansing breath. “Will is next in line to take over the family business. Their empire.” I rolled my eyes when Derek frowned. “I know it sounds crazy. They aren’t the royal family, though they might as well be royalty, American royals, for how obscenely wealthy they are. My baby, if a boy, would have to be named William Howard St. James IV, and he would be raised to take his father’s place.” I shook my head. “What if my son wanted to be a zookeeper or a doctor? He wouldn’t be allowed.”
“And you changed your name, why?”
“So they wouldn’t find me. I kept hoping Will would end the affair. The day after I found out I was pregnant, a picture of him kissing a woman went viral on social media. I’d planned to tell him about the baby several times, but his affair kept me silent. I gave up when he went to Vegas with his lover.” I buried my face in my hands. “Will knows where I am now,” I cried. “He knows about the baby, but I’m not sure how.”
I was pulled into Derek’s arms and broke down, sobbing. He stroked my back and held my face to his chest, his scruffy cheek brushing against my forehead. I felt… safe.
While I cried, Derek didn’t say anything. He only held me, and I was so grateful for him. I wasn’t a deceitful person, yet I had been.
The last month replayed in my head. My friends had lied for me. I left my home, my business, my life. All because of the man who broke me. Who made me fear losing my child.
Now what was I to do? Will knew where I was and about the baby.
“Calm down.” Derek quietly shushed me. “Getting worked up can’t be good for the baby.”
I exhaled. “You’re right. It’s not.” I stared into his eyes. “I’m sorry, Derek. I wasn’t trying to deceive you or anyone else. I legally changed my name. People do it all the time. I didn’t hide the baby from you.” I hung my head, feeling like the worst person in the world.
He tipped my chin up with his index finger. “Now that Will knows where you are, where does that leave us?”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Was Derek saying he wanted there to be an us?
“What? Aren’t you going to walk out that door and thank the heavens you dodged a bullet?”