Page 65 of Bound By Love
I hit the steering wheel again.
The light in Miranda’s living room went dark. “Fuck!” I put my hand on the door handle and then pulled it away as if it had burned me. I had no right to storm into her home and demand that she make Derek leave.
I was angry with her for sure, but I shouldn’t be. None of this was her fault. She was led to believe I was having an affair.
I inhaled a deep breath. I knew Miranda. She still loved me; I’d seen it in her eyes. She wouldn’t betray me. I just prayed I put enough doubt in her mind to question if the affair was real or not. I was confident she wouldn’t sleep with him. She’d want to be sure we were truly over before she gave herself to another man.
She won’t sleep with Derek. I trust her.
24 Jason
“THE LIGHTS IN her house just shut off. The dude is spending the night,” Cesar said through the phone. He was Mario’s cousin and had been following Miranda since I went to Vegas.
I gotta say, Miss Bradford surprised me when she left town and changed her name. The woman had a steel pair of balls. She fucking made me want her even more.
“All right, just stay out of sight. I don’t want Will seeing you.” I spread my legs while I sat naked on the sofa and stared at my erection. Just talking about Miranda made me hard.
“What about the dude? Derek?”
“I don’t give a fuck about him. Let him get his fill of her pussy; it won’t last long. Just don’t let them see you.”Her pussy.I licked my lips and slathered the precum at the tip of my dick around the crown. I desperately wanted a taste of Mousy’s pussy. Our little game of cat and mouse would end soon.
Mousy. I smiled, remembering having my hands on Miranda last Christmas. She’d felt so fucking delectable.
“Got it. What’s next?”
“I’ll be out Tuesday morning.”
“So soon?”
“Cesar, fucking mind your own business! You’re not being paid to ask questions. Just watch Miranda and make sure Will doesn’t leave with her on his jet.”
“And if he does?”
“Call me.”
“All right.”
I ended the call and guzzled my beer before returning to the bedroom with Tabitha. The little slut couldn’t get enough of me. If men could be pussy-whipped, she was cock-whipped. She lived for my dick and the brutal pounding I gave her. Even though she was dumber than a box of rocks, she knew a supreme fuck when she got one. She was the most submissive woman I’d ever been with and let me do anything I wanted to her.
Now Miranda, I had a feeling she’d put up a fight. It made me rock hard, just thinking of her struggling.
I chuckled to myself as I tossed the bottle into the trash. I palmed my cock as it swelled, aching for a release.
Knowing Will was miserable gave me more pleasure than a blow job. The fucker deserved to suffer just as I’d suffered my whole pathetic life. Will had no clue what real pain felt like, but I’d show him. Destiny had made it so.
After all, destiny was what had brought us together in college. Though I didn’t know it in the beginning. I may have even liked Will… maybe I still did.
But one person shouldn’t have it all. One person shouldn’t have the looks, the name, and the wealth. That was just fucking selfish.
It was my turn to be the top dog. A millionaire all the women wanted and the paparazzi hunted relentlessly.
My time had finally come to shine. Thank you, destiny.
Will just so happened to be the unfortunate pawn in making all my dreams come true. And Miranda, well, that sweet thing should thank me for coming between her and Will. If she wanted a real man, I was the man for the job. I could wipe Will from her memory in one night. I’d fuck her so hard she’d have no recollection of life before me.