Page 70 of Bound By Love
My lip trembled. Will never slept with her. “But…”
“Listen to me. I was a damn fool. I even hid it from my dad, but he knows now. York and his crew know. Axel’s been working overtime trying to get Jason and even has some biker friends involved.”
“Bikers?” The man in the diner and at the scene of the accident flashed in my head.
“Yes, bikers. A few of them are in town watching over you.” This was all too much for me to make sense of.
“And why does Miranda need protection?” Derek asked, his voice tight, eyes on me.
“Because we think he wants Miranda.”
I shivered at the thought of Jason wanting me. “What? Jason wants me?”
Will put his arm over my shoulders, tucked me into his side, and held me protectively. I fisted his shirt and inhaled his cologne. Peace washed over me.
Will never cheated.
“We don’t know what he’ll do, M. He’s unstable. That’s why Axel brought Tessa in to be your assistant.”
I flitted my gaze to his eyes. “Tessa?” I was stunned, but I recalled how she was practically glued to me and was always concerned about what I’d eaten and drank.
“Yeah, baby. I’d do anything to protect you.” He gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. I heard Derek growl low. “I encouraged you to hire an assistant, then paid off all the applicants to fail the interview so you would hire Tessa. Axel brought her in after Simone was poisoned. Tessa was an Army Ranger with Axel, highly trained and a badass.”
“You didn’t sleep with Cori?” Nothing else mattered more to me than him being faithful.
“No. I love you. Always have, always will. I’d never cheat on you.”
I broke into a sob, burying my face in my hands. All the times Will had hurt me and made me cry because he was out with Jason was a lie. All the nights he had made love to me, reminding me how much he loved me, were real,always and forever. He’d repeated over and over that I was his and he was mine. Guttural sobs ripped through me. All the months I was so broken and devastated were all because of Jason.
I sobbed, relieved it was all a lie. Will loved me. Wanted me. Had been faithful.
He rocked me in his arms, rubbing my back and kissing the side of my head. “I’m so sorry for putting you through hell, baby. I’m so fucking sorry.”
Derek stood from his chair and went into the kitchen. I couldn’t worry about him right now. I pulled back and stared into the eyes that had always shown unwavering love, no matter what was going on in our lives.
“I… I…” My stomach churned as guilt settled in my gut. “I ran away because I was afraid your family would take the baby from me like they took Henry away from Diana. I lied to you.” I shook my head. “I’m a horrible person. I didn’t believe in you.”
“No. Don’t do this to yourself. Don’t. I’m not angry. I understand why you did what you did. Don’t beat yourself up, M.” He hugged me tightly.
“I’m sorry, Will. So many times, I wanted to tell you about the baby. I was going to tell you the day I found out, but you didn’t come home, and then that picture of you kissing the blonde was plastered on social media. I—”
Will cut me off with his lips on mine. He kissed me slowly, tenderly, and I melted into him. “Not another word.” He peppered kisses across my mouth, then along my jaw to the little spot below my ear I loved. “A baby…” His voice was light and happy. “We’re having a baby, M.” He looked down into my eyes.
“I’m due in April.” I smiled softly.
He kissed me again. “I love you so much.”
“So, what do you need me for?” Derek’s hardened voice filled my ears. “Looks like you two made up. I really don’t want to stick around to witness it. I’ll keep your secret about the breach, but Christ, I don’t want to be here right now.” He went to the door.
“I’m worried about Miranda’s safety. I need to get back to L.A. tomorrow evening.”
“What? Why?” I asked, grabbing his hand as if he were going to walk out the front door this instant. He couldn’t leave. Not when I just got him back.
“Because there’s a meeting going down with Jason on Monday, and I have to be there. York and his crew and Axel’s biker friends will also be there.”
“It sounds dangerous.”
“It could be, I guess.”