Page 74 of Bound By Love
“THE OTHER GUY left, and Will stayed.”
Fuck! I should have known Will couldn’t just walk away from her. I couldn’t blame him. Miranda was sweet as honey. I couldn’t wait to taste her sweetness myself.
“Just keep watching. Will said he’d be here, and I believe him.”
“Okay, boss.”
“And Cesar?”
“I want you to put phase two into motion once Will leaves.”
“What if the other guy comes back?”
“At some point, he’ll leave her alone. That’s when you swoop in.”
I ended the call, staring at my picture of Miranda. Her silky blonde hair made my fingers ache to be buried in her gorgeous locks while my cock yearned to be buried deep inside her perfect little pussy.
The wait was almost over, and I’d have everything I ever wanted. Money. Money. Money.
And Miranda.
What was it they say? Patience is a virtue…
I’d never had a virtuous bone in my body until now. I could be patient a little longer.
“Soon, Mousy, very soon.”
28 Axel
I COULD RIP Will’s fucking head off his neck!
“I don’t give a shit what you think. I had to see her. And good thing I went when I did, or she might have fucked her new guy friend, Derek!” Will stared at me, unflinching. I’d known he was well past being patient and reasonable. I didn’t blame him entirely after everything he’d been through. Hell, I would have gone on a killing spree had it been my woman and me.
Still, he could have endangered Miranda’s life, and that wasn’t okay with me.
“So what you’re saying is you told her everything.” I bit on my back molars hard and rolled my hands into tight fists.
“She won’t tell anyone. I can trust her.”
“Listen, asshole. I pay you to work forme. So be pissed, but don’t lose sight of who’s in charge here.” This was a different side of Will I hadn’t seen before. Maybe being with Miranda had helped pull him out of the black hole of despair he’d been in.
“Fine. We don’t have time for this bullshit.”
“No, we don’t. When is the next guy getting to Miranda? I need a picture of him and his name.”
I looked at my watch. Wolf, Norris, and the prospect were on five-hour rotating shifts. Will had met Wolf before he caught his flight back earlier but not the other two. “Norris should be there in an hour. He’ll text me when he gets there.” I pulled up a picture of him and texted it to Will.
His phone chimed, and his face screwed up as he looked at the image. “Fuck. He’s scary looking. What happened to his face?”
“Combat.” Tim Norris had seen a lot more shit than I had in my time as a Ranger. He was also ten years older than me. The jagged scar on his left cheek was nothing compared to what was under his clothing after being held captive for months. He’d been out of the military five years now and joined the Jagged Lords as soon as he returned to Los Angeles. He and Mack had served together.
“Damn.” Will shook his head. “And you trust him?”