Page 85 of Bound By Love
My hands trembled, and I reached for my earring.
Tonight was the meeting with Jason and whoever else. Will was going to be there…Oh God, Will. If Jason was here with me, they didn’t get him. Where was Will?
“You’re two minutes are up, Mousy.”
I appeared in the doorway so he wouldn’t come back. My eyes flitted around. The room was all wood, from the floor to ceiling. A wood-burning stove was in a corner, a small sink and a refrigerator were next to it. A two-chair table and a love seat were beside the only door out of the room. It couldn’t be much bigger than an average-sized bedroom.
“Sit down, beautiful.” He nodded at the chair across from him.
My body shook as I slowly stepped forward and sat down. I was freezing but more so scared out of my mind. The spread on the table looked like a romantic dinner for two. My stomach twisted.
The plate in front of me had roasted chicken and vegetables on it and seasoned red potatoes. I wouldn’t eat it, no matter how hungry I was. What if it were poisoned?
Jason lifted his glass of wine. “Let’s toast.”
“I don’t drink wine. Can I have some water?”
“Bullshit. I’ve seen you drink wine before.”
“I gave it up.” God, I didn’t want to tell him about the baby. “Liver issues.”
Jason considered me, his eyes narrowed and brow furrowed. “I don’t care about your liver. Lift the glass,now.”
I took it in my hand, but I had no intention of drinking it.
“Much better. To new beginnings and a lifetime of magic.” He clinked his glass to mine. “And let’s throw happily ever after into it too, shall we?” He gulped down half the wine and watched me with an expectant eye to do the same.
I set the glass down. I wasn’t having any of this. “How long have I been here?”
Jason sneered. “Why?”
“Because people will be worried.”
“Nobody cares about you, Miranda. Just me.”
“That’s not true and we both know it.”
“You think Will is looking for you? No chance. I heard he was shot.”
My blood ran cold as tears blurred my vision. “What?”
“Yup, that’s right. Will, Will, Will… The asshole got himself shot. He deserved it though, after getting back the millions I’d stolen from SJI.” He took another gulp. “I hope the cocky bastard dies.”
“You’re lying!”
He laughed as he bit into a drumstick. “Why do you even care, after what he’s done to you?”
“Can I use your phone? I need to find out if he’s okay.”
Jason snorted. “You cannot be this stupid. You’re my prisoner, Mousy. No calls. No privileges. You do what I say when, where, and how I demand it. Understood?”
“Prisoner? You can’t be serious. Let me go.” I stood from the chair and Jason did the same, holding a carving knife in his hand.
“Sit your ass down!” He leaned toward me. “And drink the fucking wine, for Christ’s sake!”
I dropped onto the chair, drying my cheeks with the backs of my hands. I hadn’t realized tears were streaking down my face.
“What time is it? How long have I been here? I was drugged, wasn’t I?” I placed my hand on my stomach, fearing for the life of my unborn child. “I blacked out at home. Norris…” My voice trailed. I was in the middle of preparing a late dinner. I remembered apologizing to Norris for not noticing the time while I packed up my closet.