Page 20 of Blinded By Loyalty
My eyes flashed open. Axel?
“Where are you?”
Before I could answer, he entered my bathroom like a man on a mission and froze in the doorway when he saw me.
“Excuse me. You could’ve knocked. Oh, that’s right, you only storm into people’s homes uninvited whenever the hell you want to.”
He said nothing, staring at me. Not at my face but lower. It was then I looked down, following his gaze. One of my breasts was halfway above the bubbles. I didn’t drop down under the water. No, I let him get his fill and see what he pushed away last night.
“What do you want?” I snapped my fingers, not very well since they were wet, but I wanted to get his attention.
His penetrating gaze lifted to mine as he proceeded farther into my bathroom. I still didn’t cover up my tit.
I adjusted myself in the tub, hanging my arms over the sides and revealing my ample breasts a little more. Yeah, there wasn’t a modest bone in my body. I was confident in myself. I also paid my trainer a lot of money to keep me in shape.
But what I was doing was taunting him, giving him a show. I hoped he regretted rejecting me.
“What are you doing?” He kept his eyes locked on mine.
I laughed, lifting my hands off the rim of the tub. “Baking cookies. What does it look like I’m doing?”
Words seemed to lodge in his throat. Good. If Axel was able to resist me, I might get a complex. Only because, for some reason, I really wanted this man. I had a lot to offer too. I wasn’t just talking about sex either. I had a huge heart. I loved big and was incredibly faithful and loyal to the right person. Guess he’d never find out how great of a catch I was.
“Why are you here? I don’t need you anymore. York is getting a replacement for you.”
“Nobody can replace me.”
Jesus, he was cocky. I didn’t like how it turned me on too.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Axel. You’re totally replaceable. I just hope York finds me someone younger and sexier than Darwin and Jones. You know, since the new guy will be staying in the loft with me.”
“The fuck he will. I am your goddamn bodyguard. That’s final.”
I couldn’t believe he was behaving this way. Ever since he returned, he was different. Even though he proclaimed nothing could happen with us, he sure acted like I was his.
Well, he had another thing coming.
“You’re a controlling asshole.” I stood in the tub, my body sparsely covered in bubbles. Axel’s nostrils flared, his eyes slowly raking over my body. “Pass me the towel over there.” I pointed behind him.
He flicked his gaze to the counter where I’d placed my aqua Turkish bath towel, then back to me, and a wry grin played on his lips. “I’m not your servant. You want it, get it yourself.”
“On a scale of one to a hundred on the asshole meter, you are right up there at ninety-nine point nine nine nine.” I brushed the bubbles off my body haphazardly, flinging suds on Axel, then stepped out of the tub in front of him.
I only took one step before I was dragged into his arms, his hands cupping my ass and his lips on mine.
I didn’t fight him as I had back in November. No, I looped my arms around his neck, tugging him closer and pressing my dripping wet body into his. I buried my fingers in his thick, black hair and fisted it hard.
“Fucking hell,” Axel growled into my mouth. “Why are you doing this to me? You’re purposely taunting me with your fucking fine body and sassy mouth.”
“Why are you letting me?”
He didn’t reply, skimming his hands up my back, then down my ass. I felt a rock-hard bulge bumping into my pelvis. Desire spread through my body, my core throbbing for more. More Axel… I wanted all of him.
He lifted me up, seemingly not caring his clothes were getting wet, and carried me to the counter. He set me on it, not breaking our kiss. His hands left my body as he kissed down my neck. I sighed and clenched, desperate for more of his attention. He made a trail down my chest, to my nipple.
I moaned as he licked circles around it and drew it in.