Page 25 of Blinded By Loyalty
“Axel said to not let any men in your loft,” Darwin said.
“He what?” Asshole! “Well, you work for me. Not Axel. Corbin is coming over and that’s final.”
“Sorry, miss, but we’ll need to get approval from York.”
I rolled my eyes at Jones. “Fine. Get the approval you need, but if York says no, I want to talk to him.”
“Yes, miss.”
I shut the door and held back a scream. Axel had some nerve dictating who I could see and not see. If he wanted to call the shots, he should have stayed here. But no. He had somewhere else to be. Something to deal with that was more important than me.
I went for my gelato, shoved a large scoop into my mouth, and then put the lid back on it. Emotional eating was evil, as Corbin had always drilled into my head. He also chanted, “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.”
But sometimes, a girl needed to indulge. I’d eat my junk food and pay the price later. I put the carton into the freezer, then took out a can of Diet Coke. The fizz alone would make me feel better. I gulped, relishing the burn as it went down into my chest, and exhaled.
Yes, this was so what I needed.
The secret knock at the door stole my attention. I went to answer it, knowing it would be one of my guards.
Darwin stood with a grim expression.
“York gave his approval.”
“I thought he would. So why the sour face?”
Darwin scratched his beard. “It’s not a big deal.” He went to close the door, but I stopped him.
“What’s going on? Did York chew your ass or something? I didn’t mean to get you guys in trouble with your boss.” Gosh, I would feel horrible if York exploded at them because of me.
“No. It wasn’t York.”
I tilted my head. “If not York, then what?”
“Axel? He left to deal with something.”
“He’s with York and overheard the conversation. It’s not a big deal. He’ll be here soon.”
“Axel is coming back?”
“I don’t want him here.”
Darwin shrugged. “Talk to York then.” He went to close the door, and this time, I let him.
This controlling, caveman behavior was really getting on my nerves. Axel might be considerate of my safety, but the way he flip-flopped with me, being tender at times, then cold and distant, confused the hell out of me.
I was so over it all. Axel needed to decide what the hell was going on between us. I knew I wanted more with him. Now he needed to figure out if he only wanted to be my bodyguard or if he wanted to become my lover. I sure as hell wanted it to be the latter.
10 Axel
I WASN’T GONE but an hour before Simone pissed me off again. And fucking York let her have her way. Jones and Darwin knew I didn’t want any men in her apartment. But of course, Simone demanded they call York. I was sure my boss was an ass just to rile me up. He wanted me to admit I cared for Simone.
Of course I cared about her. Yes, I was a possessive jackass, not wanting any men near her. I admit it. Own it. Simone was mine, and I never did well with sharing.