Page 48 of Blinded By Loyalty
“My love has no beginning or ending, like the infinity symbol. It’s boundless, limitless…eternal.”
Her eyes filled with tears, and I had to keep myself in check. Crying like a pussy would make her suspicious. I couldn’t have her asking questions.
“Axel, I don’t know what to say. It’s exquisite. I’ll never take it off.” If she only knew how much that meant to me. Just knowing she wanted to wear it daily had me choking down a sob. If she didn’t hate me after Friday, she would think of me every day when she gazed at the bracelet. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
“I’d love it if you never took it off. It would be like I was always with you.”
She kissed my lips softly. “You will be with me always.”
I would… in spirit.
19 Simone
“MR. ST. JAMES, please, sir. Just wait right here.”
I stirred in bed, hearing men shouting. Axel was under me, sound asleep.
“I need to see my daughter. Don’t forget you work for me, Darwin. Simone?”
I popped up in bed, shaking Axel as the door flew open.
“What, baby?” Axel rubbed his eyes.
“What is going on here?” my father bellowed.
“Dad, please wait for me in the living room.” I pulled the sheet up to my neck.
His eyes bulged. “Axel?”
“Dad, please.”
“You said nothing was going on between you two. That you only trusted him.”
“Things change, Dad. Please wait in the living room. I’m sort of naked under this sheet.”
His eyes widened, but he had to know we didn’t have clothes on. “You have two minutes.” He stormed out of the bedroom and slammed the door.
“Fuck. This is bad.” Axel tugged me into his arms and kissed my forehead. “Morning, baby.”
I smiled. Axel didn’t skip a beat, seemingly unfazed by my crazy father bursting into my bedroom like he owned the place. He didn’t. I’d bought the loft with the money my grandfather gave me for my twenty-first birthday.
“Good morning. Not quite the way I wanted to wake you this morning.” I kissed his cheek.
He raised a curious brow. “No?”
“No. I thought a blow job first thing would’ve been nice.”
“It would have been more than nice. You can make it up to me later.”
“You got it, big guy. I better get dressed.”
He stopped me and took my hand, the one the bracelet was on. “No ending.” He kissed the infinity sign. “I love you.”
My heart swelled each time he said those beautiful words. “I love you too.” I pressed my hand to his cheek and kissed his addictive lips, then launched out of bed.
I ran into my walk-in closet and quickly tugged on a thong, bra, leggings, and a loose T-shirt. I couldn’t believe my dad. Why was he here, anyway?
When I exited the closet, Axel was dressed in jeans and a shirt. We went into the bathroom and brushed our teeth side by side. We’d done this every morning. We were in sync, two parts of the same cell.