Page 50 of Blinded By Loyalty
“I’ll leave when I’m ready.” He sat on the sofa, rubbing his jaw. “Claire is going to be furious with me for pushing Simone away. She might disapprove of you being with our daughter, but she would have tolerated you better than I can.”
The dude was always a straight shooter and honest as fuck. I didn’t reply or move from my position as if guarding the hallway leading to Simone’s bedroom.
“So tell me. Didn’t you two just get together last Saturday? And you’re already sleeping with my daughter?”
Damn, this wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have with him, but it seemed I didn’t have a choice. “We’d been fighting our feelings for each other since last fall. It was bound to eventually happen.”
“She never liked any of the boys I brought around. The men, I mean. She used to call them cookie-cutter rich boys with no personality or passion. I’ve known you for almost a year. All you’ve done is grunt until today. What does she see in you?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Beats the hell out of me, sir. I’ve spoken more in the last week than I probably have in five years. It’s because of her.”
It was then he appeared to notice all the decorations. “What happened here? A party?”
“A party for two.”
“Simone did all this for you?”
“I did all this for Simone.”
Mr. St. James’s eyebrows shot up. “Really? This is quite an elaborate spread. Claire would approve. I bet Simone loved it.”
“She did.”
He leveled his gaze at me. “I don’t want to be estranged from my daughter. I love her very much.”
“Then don’t push her away.”
He nodded. “Right. I certainly don’t want to upset Claire. Will would be furious with me.”
“I’m furious with you too.”
He turned to face me. “At least you’re honest. When you talk.”
“I’ll talk to her. But loosen your grip, or you will lose her. She loves you. She needs you and Mrs. St. James in her life.” I didn’t want to say too much but felt I should. “If something were to happen to me, Simone would need her parents.”
“Why would something happen to you?” He was a sharp man.
“My job can be dangerous at times. I wouldn’t want her to be alone.” It was now or never to make sure Simone would be okay when I was gone. “She loves me. Losing me would destroy her.”
He studied me a long second. “I’ll be sure she’s taken care of.”
“I appreciate it.” I approached him with my hand extended. “Thank you.”
“Is everything okay? I mean, York got the stalker. The danger has been eliminated.”
“It has. But we never know what tomorrow will bring.” Except I did know what tomorrow meant for me.
We shook hands and I saw him to the door.
“You’ll talk to her on my behalf?”
“I will. And you’ll make sure she’s taken care of should something happen to me?” Jesus, Axel. Enough already.
“You have my word.”
After Simone’s father left, I took a moment to breathe. I wanted to see Conrad before I left, just one more time, but I didn’t want to leave Simone sooner than absolutely necessary. Maybe I could go out for an hour. Make some kind of excuse. Yeah, I might give it a try later.
I entered the bedroom and found Simone sitting on the bed with her brow furrowed.