Page 6 of Blinded By Loyalty
“Will.” Miranda took his hand and shook her head.
“You’ll be safer there until we know what we’re up against,” I told her in a calm voice. I didn’t want to upset Miranda. She’d already been through enough.
“You said we were safe in our home. That it was as tight as Fort Knox.”
Will cut his eyes to mine and guilt flashed in them. “It is, baby. We just don’t want to take any chances. Once York’s team secures everything, we’ll come back. It won’t be for long. I just need to make sure you and Mia are safe.” He kissed her temple. “I’ll pack you a bag.”
I’d known about his mission to make up for all the pain he’d caused Miranda last year. But he shouldn’t blame himself for what happened today. This wasn’t Jason. We didn’t know who was behind Simone’s threats, but it certainly wasn’t Will’s fault.
“I’ll tell York you’ll be leaving.”
“Axel?” Miranda called.
I stopped and turned to face her.
“Simone said she was getting a lot of calls but never told anyone. She figured they were solicitors. But I don’t think so.”
Hearing this almost set me off, but I held it together. “I don’t either.”
“You’ll protect her, right?”
With my life. “Yes, York and his team will make sure she’s—”
“She needsyou.”
“Just be careful of my father.” Will winked as he exited the closet. “He tolerates you because of me. If he thinks anything is going on between you and Sim—”
“Nothing is going on between us.” I gritted my teeth, wishing it were true. I didn’t need William St. James II making my life hell because I wanted his daughter.
Miranda sighed. “Something happened after the wedding. Before you left. I’d bet my life on it.”
“You won’t be betting your life on anything, M.” Will set a tote bag on the bench at the foot of the bed. He turned toward me. “I’m just saying. It won’t go over well if you and my sister are messing around.”
“We’re not.” I left the room before either of them could say any more. Like I didn’t already know I was bad for Simone. It was one of the reasons I left after the wedding. To put distance between us. I’d hoped she would find herself a guy who’d make her happy and get Mr. St. James’s seal of approval. It would have killed me, but I’d lived for years with a dead heart, so it wouldn’t have been any different.
The second my boot hit the wooden foyer floors, I keyed into Simone’s voice.
“I don’t care. You tell Axel he’s coming with us, or I’m not going.”
“You’re being ridiculous. I have a full security team on the property. We don’t need Axel.”
“He’s the only person I trust.”
Fucking hell. Simone wanted me to go with her—no chance in hell.
I entered the living room, my gaze instantly on Simone’s. “I’m not coming with you. You’ll be fine. I need to stay here and secure Will’s estate so he and Miranda can return home.” I was also going to swing by the boutique. I was sure it wouldn’t make a difference four months after the pictures were taken, but I needed to try. Maybe a sales associate would remember Simone. The St. James family was well known in Southern California.
She was on her feet, her brown eyes wild. “York and his men can do it. It’s their job.”
“It’s my job too. Will is my friend. I need to make sure his home is safe. I’m not going, Simone. Don’t argue with me.”
She jolted like she was taken aback by my gruff reply. “You ass. I need you.” Jesus, the way she said she needed me made my chest tight.
“You’ll be fine.” I wouldn’t let her go if I didn’t have every confidence she’d be okay at the St. James mansion. But her sudden clinginess needed to stop. When I returned to Los Angeles, it wasn’t for her. It was for my brother. I couldn’t afford to forget why I was here.
Simone had always been the biggest damn distraction. If I wasn’t careful, she might grab me by the balls and never let go.
“You heard him. Let’s go.” Mr. St. James put his hand on her lower back to guide her out. “Thank you, Axel.”