Page 116 of Savage Storm
Tonight, we’d teach him to think twice before whining like a baby to hang with us.
“Your dick is shriveling up, little brother.” Toby howled with laughter. “Just jump in the fucking lake so Kaleb and I can get laid. It’s our fucking graduation night!”
“It’s too dark! I can’t see if there are any fish.” Tommy shook, peering over the edge of the dock.
“Fish? It’s a lake, dipshit! Of course, there’s fish!” Storm clouds were forming overhead. I chugged my sixth, or maybe it was my seventh beer. I’d lost count. We were saving Jack Daniels for Wendy and Suzie, knowing it loosened them up. “Are you seriously scared of some little fish?” Lightning lit up the sky miles away.
Tommy held his dick like it was made of gold, face tight with dread. He’d never make it in my dad’s MC. He’d been showing interest the more I took Toby to the compound. It would never happen.
I grew up on the Knight’s Legion compound, unlike the kids I went to school with living in neighborhoods. I’d been homeschooled through middle school. Then my dad felt I was tough enough to take care of myself in high school. Even then, a prospect followed me all damn day when I wasn’t in the classroom. It sucked, but having a big-ass dude on a bike was great with the girls. Once I had my own, I didn’t need a prospect to tail me.
My sex life imploded then, too.
“You think your dick will be mistaken for a worm? Probably will, but then you can catch a big fish and take it home to Mama for tomorrow’s supper.” I bumped shoulders with Toby, snorting.
“Yeah, hurry it up, pencil dick!” Toby razzed him.
Thunder rumbled as my cell phone chimed with a text. I finished off my beer while opening it and instantly became irritated with this bullshit. A raindrop hitting my eye didn’t help.
Wendy: Where r u, K? You’re an hour late!! Suzie and I are heading to the bonfire.
Kaleb: Don’t leave without us.
Wendy: I’m tired of waiting for you.
Kaleb: U stay put!
I waited for a reply. When it didn’t come, I lost it. If I didn’t get to Wendy’s house fast, she’d hook up with someone else. No fuckin’ way I’d let that shit happen. Wendy was an easy lay, a no-strings-attached kind of girl. Just my type.
“Enough of this shit! Wendy and Suzie are going to ditch us!” I stormed to the end of the dock, where Tommy stood naked, cupping his junk. Clouds were moving faster, so was the rain. “Jump, asshole! You’re cockblocking me!”
“And me!” Toby yelled a few steps behind me.
“I changed my mind!” Tommy backed away from the edge. “It’s going to be storming any second. There’s lightning.” He wiped his face and pointed up.
“Too late!” I blocked him. “Jump, or I’ll toss your ass in myself!”
“I’ll never beg to hang with you jerks again!” Tommy scrunched his face like a pouty baby.
Toby groaned. “Tommy, don’t be such a sissy. Think of this as an initiation like into Kaleb’s dad’s MC.”
“There aren’t initiations into the club, dumbass. You prospect and get patched in after doing your time and all the menial jobs the members order you to do.” I put my hands on my hips, irritation building inside me like a savage storm coming.
Toby shrugged. “Whatever. This is our initiation. Jump Tommy, or we’ll help you in.”
“Please guys. I’m sorry. I won’t ask again. Let’s just go. It’s dangerous to be out during a thunderstorm.”
“Too late,” I yelled, tired of this pussy ruining my night. I threw my beer can over the edge and reached for Tommy.
He batted my hands away, screaming. “No, no, no!”
Toby laughed, trying to help me.
But I didn’t need his help. I threw my weight into Tommy and launched him into the lake as electric bolts of light lit up the sky. I turned around, a victorious smile on my face, and high fived Toby.
Toby and I stared at each other for a tense second. Did he hear what I heard?
“About fucking time.” Toby drained his beer and tossed it over the side.