Page 1 of Avenging Angel
I sang the last notes of my song and curtsied before the crowd of bikers, old ladies, and kittens feeling on top of the world. Storm’s brothers cheered and clapped. Probably because they were drunk off their asses—not because I was that good, but I appreciated their enthusiasm. Hell, I ate up the attention. Adrenaline pumped in my veins. I couldn’t stop smiling.
Fanning my face, the air appeared thicker—a sure sign of rain. The twilight sky was full of dark clouds rolling in from the west. It wouldn’t be long, maybe an hour, before it drenched everyone. Not the best conditions for an outdoor orgy tonight. My mind went to a funny picture of those rough and tumble bikers going at it in a thunderstorm.
The humidity would make my hair frizzy and my skin sticky. But it didn’t matter. I felt marvelous after singing for my new family andmyman.
The she-devil caught my eye. I imagined she hated me even more after seeing me sing—no sweat off my brow. Carla could kiss my ivory ass for all I cared. There was a new queen in town.
After tonight, Carla was G-O-N-E, gone.
I looked over at my guy, expecting him to be grinning after getting his way. Or striding straight up to the stage to carry me off to bed where he’d lavish me with kisses and praise. Blow my mind with his talented tongue and fuck me into tomorrow. I expected to be spoiled.
But he wasn’t even looking at me. It hurt my ego a little. Though I wouldn’t let it show or act like a spoiled diva. That wasn’t me. But not having Storm’s eyes on me at this moment cut me more than it should. Why wasn’t he looking at me?
I followed his line of vision across the lawn.What is he looking at?It wasn’t a what, but a who. I gasped, placing my hand on my chest. Were my eyes deceiving me? I blinked several times. This must’ve been a dream or the effects of the whiskey screwing with my vision.
It was neither.
Toby,my brother, was on the Knight’s Legion compound.
How did he find me? I hadn’t mentioned Storm to my family.
My brother stared back with a stunned expression. Neither of us moved.
I turned toward Storm. He appeared shell-shocked. Like the Reaper he offhandedly mentioned from time to time was coming for him… or me. I saw his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. His eyes were wide, mouth agape. Sugar shook his arm, but he didn’t acknowledge her.
What was going on?
Was he upset that Toby somehow breached compound security? Storm was very careful to approve the party guest list.
My eyes flitted toward my brother, then back to Storm. Back and forth, my gaze ping-ponged like I was watching a tennis match. It wasn’t the look I expected playing on their face. No, it was more familiar. Like they knew each other. But how could they?
Everyone faded around me as a sense of doom settled in my veins. All I heard was the violent thumping of my pulse in my ears. What was I missing? What was between my brother and the man I loved?
Toby. Storm. Toby. Storm.
I locked eyes with my man.Tell me what’s wrong, baby… how do you know my brother?
We stared at each other as if waiting for the other to make a move. My feet couldn’t budge, like this moment took all my power from me. I wanted Storm to take me into his arms. To hold me protectively. Whatever was happening made me cold and clammy. So cold.
I needed warmth. I neededhiswarmth. I neededhimto save me.
Come to me, Kaleb.
Storm’s cousins, Maddox and Markey’s, laughter registered in my ears. All at once, it hit me. The familiarity I’d felt with Storm became clear. The fog lifted. My eyes were open. The feeling of knowing him in another life wasn’t some weirddéjàvu.
I had known him...
My childhood flew through my mind at supersonic speed, transporting me to Lake Waleska. I had spent the best week of my life with my family and KC, my brother’s best friend.
KC’s dad was the president of the motorcycle club in Garrison. I was so young. I never knew much about the bikers. My parents had sheltered me as much as they could. Toby and KC always redirected my questions. Eventually, I forgot about KC’s dad being a biker. Then KC left town after Tommy died and never came back home.
Only KC was his nickname….
Blood drained from my limbs, pooling in my gut like a bad pot of chili.