Page 16 of Avenging Angel
I’ll write him a note!
If something happened to me, he’d have my last words.Crap!I sounded morbid. Whatever, I grabbed the notebook I kept in the pocket of my driver’s side door and started writing.
Kaleb, my love,
I have a weird feeling something awful is going to happen. You weren’t here when I arrived to ease my fears. On the off-chance I never see you again, I wrote you this letter. God, I hope I’m just overreacting, but I feel it in my bones. Something horrible is coming.
Whatever you’re thinking about Tommy’s death, stop. JUST. STOP. It was an accident, baby. I know it was. I don’t blame you. Toby told me everything. I want you to know, none of it changes the way I feel about you. I still want to be with you. I want to be with you more than anything. Every day I dream about us having a baby and our future together. A life with you is all I want.
I love you, Kaleb Knight. I have since I was a little girl. I will love you until I draw my last breath. Whatever happens today, tomorrow, or years from now, never stop living. Even if I’m gone, keep moving forward.
Yours always and forever,
A tear streaked down my cheek. That sure sounded like a goodbye letter. I folded the paper in half, stuck it in my notebook, and hopped out of the car. If something happened to me, I was sure Storm would find it.
A guard wasn’t posted at the door, so I walked right into the building, making my way down the hallway to the bar’s entrance. Storm’s handsome face stopped me as I stared at his picture on the wall. There were fifty pictures of past and current KLMC members—several were fallen brothers.
The club’s brotherhood was the most beautiful display of trust, loyalty, and love I had ever seen. Many of these men didn’t have a family outside of the club. Copper came to mind. I knew he wasn’t the only one who’d grown up in the foster care system. Many had heartbreaking stories. Their hard edges and frozen hearts were how they protected themselves. Down deep, they were soft and sweet. Devoted, with the right amount of possessiveness, like my Storm. I admired and respected every one of them.
Hearing a couple of voices in the bar, I peeked my head around the corner to confirm it wasn’t Storm’s. When I was sure, I went toward the kitchen. He may have said he wouldn’t be around until five o’clock, but what if he only told me that to keep me away? What if Dodge lied and Storm was actually here? I needed to be sure.
I listened at the kitchen door, hearing Tina’s quiet voice. A grunt followed. I tried to be stealthy, peering around the corner. Once again, no Storm, just Raul.
That left Storm’s—no,ourbedroom—upstairs. Or he could be in the large garage in the back of the compound. It was where the guys tinkered on their bikes and let their frustration out on a punching bag. For some reason, I didn’t think Storm was out there.
I headed for the stairs, thankful it was a quiet Sunday. The guys always partied hard and were hungover the day after a party. At the top of the stairs, I exhaled a sigh of relief.
What’s this…I narrowed my eyes, padding down the hallway. Our bedroom door was cracked open. Was Storm here, after all? Hope bloomed in my chest. I was desperate to see my man.
I pushed the door open. The rumpled linens on the bed caught my eye, but still no Storm.
“Baby, it’s me,” I called, facing the bathroom. The door was partly open. I didn’t want to intrude if he was on the toilet.
Tremors rolled through my body, my stomach flip-flopping and churning. Never had I been so nervous. What on earth was going on with me? We didn’t have an argument. I mean, finding out who we really were was quite a shock, but it didn’t change the way I felt about Storm. In fact, it explained our deep connection.
The door swung wide open.
The earth violently shook.
“He’s not here.” Carla appeared in a black lace bra and a tiny pair of panties. A smug grin spread across her bright pink lips.
“What are you doing in my bedroom? Nobody is allowed in here.” My pulse whooshed in my ears as bile shot into my throat. Wasn’t it obvious what she was doing?
“It’s Storm’s room, not yours. And what Storm wants, he gets. You know that.” She slithered toward me like a viper readying her strike. “What do you think I’m doing here,Angel?”
“You bitch, answer my question!” Why did I need to hear it from her lips?
“Are you that stupid? You can’t see I was taking care ofmyman?” She jerked her head toward the messy bed. “He always comes back tome.” She laughed, stepping toward me.
Shocked and mortified at what this all meant, I was speechless. Dying inside.
“He had a little business to take care of, ya know. Or maybe you don’t, since he made you leave.” She snorted, closing the gap between us. “Last night, we fucked until the sun came up. He couldn’t get enough of me and my pussy…” Her fake purple eyes assessed me. “He ordered me to wait for him so we could go at it again… He’s masterful with his tongue.” The bitch shrugged. “But I’m sure you know that.”
I swallowed the acid and found my voice. “You two-bit whore!” I slapped the shit out of her face, ignoring the sting. It felt as if the floor dropped out from below me as my world fell apart.
Carla yelped in surprise. “Stop, you crazy bitch!”