Page 53 of Avenging Angel
Out of my minddidn’t come close to how undone I felt. I sat in my trashed office, seething. Why the hell I had anything in here other than a desk and chair was beyond me. These Hunters had enraged me so much the last couple of months, my office looked nothing like it had before they rolled into my territory.
Everyone left me alone to get control of my emotions, but fuckin’ hell, it wasn’t happening. My woman, my brother, and two more women were taken. AJ… dammit, AJ was dead.
How the fuck was I supposed to calm down after what these bastards had done?
And my Angel. Christ Almighty, I couldn’t stop thinking of the dead woman found raped and beaten in the forest. I buried my face in my hands as emotion clogged my throat and burned my eyes.If anything happens to Madeline…
I dropped my gaze to her letter. The only piece of her I had in this office. I heard her sweet voice reading to me. Felt her soft touch soothing me. Smelled her shampoo. Tasted her… goddamn, I needed her so fuckin’ much.
A double knock at the door had me lifting my head.
“Storm, everyone’s present for church,” Track said through the door.
I checked the time. Shit. The Hunter’s president would be calling soon, according to his text.
My chest tightened as I tried to inhale a breath. Not happening. “Be there in a minute.” I barely got the words out.
I would’ve been out searching with the others if the message hadn’t come. I was afraid to imagine why he’d want a live streaming video. Raising myself out of the chair, I tried to inhale a deep breath to no avail.
Whatever I did, I couldn’t look weak in front of my brothers. No matter what, I set the example. I was their prez.
When I entered the room, the tension floating in the air raked down my spine, piercing my soul. The weight of their grave expressions intensified my anxiousness over this dire situation.
I cleared my throat. “In five minutes, the president of the Dirty Hunters will call.” I paused to still myself. My fucking heart raced so damn fast. “I don’t know what he’ll say. What he’ll do. Or what his conditions will be, aside from wanting Winters Township. Stay silent.”
Grunts filled the room.
“I mean it.” I made eye contact with Justin. He gave a slight nod. Like me, he was barely holding it together—wanting to make those dirty fuckers pay. I scanned the table. “No outbursts. You could put Hero and the girls in more danger than they’re already in.”
“Yes, Prez,” they called from around the table.
I drew in a shallow breath, the muscles in my shoulders and neck coiled tightly, fear rushing through my veins. I turned to Grizzly. “Ready?”
He nodded as the 75-inch flat-screen on the wall came to life. I stared at it emotionless, to hide how terrified I was. The waiting was killing me. I needed my woman back unharmed. I needed her to be okay.
Drumming my fingers on the table, time ticked by excruciatingly slow. Each second increased the strength of a booming storm building inside me. Hurricane strength destruction would land soon. The only thing to temper the savage in me was Madeline. My Angel. She better be in one piece and okay.
My Angel…
The phone rang. I cut my eyes at Grizzly, then Track on my right and Raul on my left.
Inhaling a pathetic, calming breath, I answered gruffly, “Storm speaking.”
“Prez. Let’s skip the pleasantries.” The smug sonofabitch snorted as I stared at the black screen. “I have your woman, as you know.Mujer Hermosa.”
“What the fuck you say?”
“I said, beautiful woman,estúpido. That means stupid.” The asshole snorted. “Didn’t you take Spanish in school,ese?”
I could choke this motherfucker for baiting me. Soon he’d find out what a bad idea it was.
“You’re wasting my time, asshole,” I grunted. Why hadn’t he come on the screen? What was his game?
“Oh, really? Well, your woman says she’s pissed at you. Caught a club whore in your bedroom. Tsk, tsk.” He snorted again. “What kind of fool are you cheating on a gorgeous womanlike her?”