Page 75 of Avenging Angel
I’d called Tina to stay with Madeline once we got to our bedroom. I didn’t want to leave my Angel. Not for a second. It was hard enough waiting in the hallway when she was in Tara’s room. The distance away from Madeline killed me, but I’d relented for her.
Now I hugged her, trying to rip myself away to go downstairs to deal with Justin. I wasn’t strong enough for this shit. I needed a break. Needed my woman in my arms and the rest of the fuckin’ world to stay out of our way.
She kissed my neck. “I’ll be okay.” The sound of her voice didn’t match her words. She was putting up a good front, but I knew better. Like me, she was barely holding on.
I dug my phone out of my pocket. “I’ll call Raul. He can deal with Justin.”
She covered my hand with hers. “No, I’m okay.”
“You’re not, Madeline. After everything you just went through. You can’t hide it from me. You’re slowly crumbling. I need to be here for you like you’ve always been for me.” I softly brushed my thumb along her jaw.
Was she out of her ever-loving mind? Maybe she was after the nightmare she’d gone through.
“Please. It sounds serious. I heard Justin say he wanted out. Out of the club, right?”
Tina gasped. “Sorry.” She grimaced.
“See? This is serious, Storm. Go handle it. I’ll be here. Tina’s with me.”
I cradled her face in my hands, careful to not hurt her. “Fine. Call me if you need me. I’ll come running. I won’t be long.”
“I’m just going to clean up.” Her face twisted in disgust.
“I’ll be back before you’re finished.” I dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose to avoid her bruised cheeks.
“I’m sure you will.” Her voice sounded strong. Damn, she was convincing. But she didn’t fool me. The faster I went to settle this shit with Justin, the faster I could return to her. Then nobody better bother us until I gave the all-clear.
“Tina, if she needs anything,” I told her in a warning tone, “call me.”
“I have my phone right here.” She shook it in front of her.
“I hate leaving you after I just got you back, Angel.”
Her hand cradled my cheek. “Then hurry back to me.” She pushed me toward the door. “Go.”
Reluctantly, I left my whole world again. I stalked down the stairs, pissed as fuck. The rumble of voices eddied out of the bar. My dad’s louder than the rest. I turned the corner, heading down the hallway toward my office. When I entered, Justin and Raul were waiting for me.
“Let’s get this done. My woman needs me,” I barked out, shutting the door, not caring about anyone else’s feelings. I dropped into my chair and leveled my eyes on Justin.
“I want out—today. I’m taking my Emilee and leaving.” Justin held an unyielding gaze.
I dragged my hand down my face. Tired. I was so fuckin’ exhausted. “I get it, brother. The last couple of days have been hell. I want to take Madeline away and hide from the rest of the world, but I can’t. The club is our life.”
Justin shook his head. “No. Emilee is my life. I almost lost her. Laura must’ve been turning in her grave.” He teared up, shaking his head. “I’m out. For my daughter’s safety, I gotta go.”
Raul looked sidelong at Justin. “Emilee’s an adult, Justin. She’s in love with my nephew. They’re having a baby.”
Justin flew out of his chair, pointing his finger at Raul. “I don’t give a fuck about your nephew! Every man in the club knows to stay away from my daughter. My. Daughter. I should beat him within an inch of his life.” He gripped his head between his hands. “She’s all I have. She’ll go where I say she goes!”
Dammit, I knew where Justin was coming from. If it were me in his shoes, I’d drag my kid kicking and screaming too.
“So you just want out?” I asked. “Why not take a leave of absence. A couple of weeks or a month. Clear your head, but don’t quit the club. Don’t turn in your cut.”
“My mind is made up. Put it to a vote.” Justin exhaled a labored breath. “Now, preferably. I have Emilee packing. I want to go as soon as possible.”