Page 104 of Hellbent Hero
Tunnel vision set in. Darkness stealing all the light. Evil trying to tear me down. Break me. Destroy me.
I wouldn’t let it.
“Tara, come on. Keep moving. Please, Tara. Keep moving.”
Almost all the light was gone.
I coughed, gasping for air.
A massive form burst through the exit as I felt my legs give way.
ALMOST FIVE MONTHS ago, a redhead with a smart mouth and a massive attitude rocked my world. There was something about her that made me breathless the moment our eyes had connected in Sugar Bliss Bakery. Since that day, I never let go of the hope of making hermine.
Three fucking days ago, her strung-out, mentally unstable sperm donor tried to take her from me. A grievous mistake.
“Mi vida, open your eyes, baby.” I brushed her gorgeous red hair away from her face. She stirred, making the same adorable sounds she made each morning. “Gimme your eyes, beautiful.”
Her lashes fluttered, working on waking up. She’d been sleeping around the clock since the ordeal with Paul Walsh. It’d only been a few days. She was emotionally drained.
I hated to bother her, but today was Black Friday. After I promised to take her to see Boxer and Ire fight, she’d been counting down the days the last couple of weeks.
I didn’t think she’d want to attend the event after the hell she’d been through. What did I know? Roja was set on moving forward and putting it all behind her. Goddamn, she was incredible.
I pressed a kiss to her lips, drinking her in. I could’ve lost her.
The guys and I had just arrived when a little kid ran out of the building yelling, “Miss Walsh was shot, Miss Walsh was shot!”
I didn’t take a second to think and ran for my woman, drawing my gun. She’d almost made it out before she fainted from the blood loss. Paul Walsh was running after her and the girl, his eyes closed, waving a gun.
I’d taken no chances with my Roja’s safety, shooting him in the kneecap to stop him. He was arrested again. This time to be placed in a mental ward after he went through surgery and recovery.
Roja’s injury was minor in the grand scheme of it all. The bullet was removed from the back of her shoulder. She was kept overnight for observation and released in my care the following day. My club showered her with flowers, gifts, and love. Sugar and Tina loaded up our fridge with a Thanksgiving feast after telling them we wouldn’t spend the day with them. My MC family was the best—priceless.
But I never wanted to go through that shit again.
My woman kicked ass through it all. Her biggest struggle was discovering she had a sister. Willow was only sixteen. She ran away from home after she learned of Tara. I didn’t know a lot about her. After escaping the Wizard, she shutdown, not talking. Her mom came for her within hours and whisked Willow away. It was pretty messed up. Roja didn’t even get to talk to her since she was in surgery to repair her bullet wound. By the time she came to, Willow was gone.
“Roja, my love. You’ll be late for the main event.” I ran my nose along her jaw, breathing her in. I must’ve thanked God a million times for not taking her from me. I’d spend the rest of my life praising his mercy.
She smiled, keeping her eyes closed. “Roll the R for me.”
A grin stretched across my face. “I love you, Rrrooojaaa.”
Her brown doe-eyes opened, love brimming at the edges.
“There’s my woman.” I brushed my lips over hers.
“I love you too,” she told me, her voice thick with emotion. “What made you say it now?”