Page 107 of Hellbent Hero
“Yes, baby. Let’s get going.” He kissed me, slowly making love to me again.
An hour later, I stared at the most beautiful headstone with a lump in my throat. Hero held my cold hand tightly in his sweaty palm. My vision blurred with unshed tears.
Loving Wife, Mother, Daughter, and Friend
Monica Maria Moreno Fuentes.
Nunca Olvidada, Siempre Amada
I felt his sorrow, mourned the loss of his wife and son with him. To lose your whole world in one night would devastate anyone. But this strong biker beside me? His emotions ran deep. He felt sadness, love, and anger at a heightened level. It made him a passionate, devoted, hellbent man.
I was incredibly blessed to call him mine.
“Flaca.” There was a smile in his voice, saying her nickname. “This is my Roja. She’s beautiful inside and out. A magical mermaid with red hair, hence why I call her Roja. I think you’d like each other.” He cleared the emotion from his throat. “She’s my hellbent hero,flaca. She saved me.”
Tears streamed down my face, stunned at his words. I set the bouquet of gardenias we brought, Monica’s favorite, in a vase attached to her grave.
Hero wrapped his arm around me, then put a stuffed kitten next to the flowers for hismijo.
“I’ll always love you both,” he whispered. “Forever,flacaandmijo.” He turned toward me, his dark eyes boring into mine. “I love you, Roja. Forever,mi vida.”
MY FINGERS ENTWINED with Tara’s as we drove through Bastion Township on our way to the compound. It was cold as hell, twelve below according to my temperature gauge.
“I already miss Santa Monica.” Tara played with my fingers. “And the sun.”
“Yeah, me too.”
It was almost ten o’clock at night. We were getting back later than I’d hoped. TheBang in the New Year Orgywould be in full swing by now. I wanted nothing more than to bang my woman all night.
I smiled, raising our joined hands to kiss her engagement ring.
“It’s crazy how after only nine days of sun and fun, I’d forgotten the gloomy, frigid Minnesnowta weather.” She sighed wistfully. “But it’s good to be home. What a day. Phew.”
“Ten hours of traveling.” Our flight home had been delayed in Colorado. Then with the fresh snow and ice, I had to drive slowly once we left Minneapolis. Out on these country roads, they weren’t maintained like the ones in the city. Visibility sucked. When everything was white like this, it made it hard to see the ditches on either side of the road.
“I think I’ll call Willow tomorrow and wish her a Happy New Year.”
“That’d be good. See how she’s doing.” When Roja called her at Christmas, Willow talked a little. My woman was determined to form some kind of relationship with her half-sister.
“Do you think it’s weird? I mean that I didn’t ask her to stay with us.”
I glanced at her, noting the concern in her voice. “No, baby. It’s not weird. You two don’t know each other.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I hope she decides to come out during summer break. I want to get to know her better.”
I squinted my eyes, seeing faint flashing yellow lights.
Roja leaned forward in her seat. “Do you see that?”
“I think a car is in the ditch.”
“Probably.” I slowed my truck as we approached it.