Page 50 of Hellbent Hero
I smiled wryly, taking her hand and placing it on my dick. “Feel that?”
“I don’t feel anything.”
“Exactly. Before you kneed me, I had a raging hard-on. My cock is dead now… for a little while anyway. I don’t ever want to experience this again. Not after you brought me back to life.”
“Jesus, Hero. I really didn’t mean to hurt you.” She pursed her lips, regret in her beautiful brown eyes.
“It’s okay. Next time, punch me or slap me. Leave my balls out of it.” I winked, moving to taste those lips I’d never get enough of. “Let’s take this to your bed.”
She stilled. “What?”
“I want to get reacquainted with my woman. You gotta problem with that?” I knew she would, because of the fresh scars on her body. Tara had to be the one to confess what she’d done to herself. I was giving her an easy way to tell me her secrets. If she didn’t, I’d come clean that I already knew.
“I can’t.”
Slowly, I rolled onto my knees, then onto my feet. I stretched my hand out, praying to God she’d accept it.
And she did.
“I really can’t be with you right now. Anyway, you’re injured.”
“My tongue isn’t.” I wiggled my eyebrows to entice her. “My dick will be okay, eventually.” I winked.
She bit her bottom lip, dropping her gaze to my jeans. “It’s not just about your pretty pecker.”
I snorted. “Woman, don’t call my pecker pretty. I’m already feeling emasculated by a sexy redhead.” I took her hand, leading her to the bedroom. In only a few long strides, I was at her door. I flicked the light switch on the wall. I wanted to be able to see her wounds.
“Seriously, Hero. I can’t. I mean… I don’t want to.”
“I thought you liked it when I fucked you with my tongue.”
She shivered and sighed as I stopped us at the end of her bed. “Have you no shame? We haven’t been together in two months. How can you just pick up where we left off?”
I slid my hand under her hair, gripped the back of her neck, and massaged it. She was tense. More reason to give her a few orgasms to help her relax. But I sensed she was trying to rile me up, maybe get into a fight to avoid spilling her guts.
It wasn’t happening. We were doing this, whether she liked it or not.
“Because I care about you.”
“You said you’d never love another. So what’s this going to be? You drop by when you want to bury your nose in my red curls?”
“Christ, Roja.”
That mouth of hers burned me the fuck up and turned me the fuck on. As wounded as I was, my dick hardened at her spunk, filling with my own.
“What? If you want to be fuck buddies, I’m not down with that. I may like it wild between the sheets, but I’m a one-man woman. I don’t want to taste kitten pussy on your tongue.” Miss Attitude zigzagged her head, lips puckered all sassy and shit.
“I don’t fucking want anyone else.” I raised my voice louder than I intended. Roja’s eyes flashed in surprise. “Just stop trying to push me away and take off your goddamn clothes.” This woman just might be the death of me.
“No,” she snapped back. “We need to be clear on this. If you fuck me. You best not sink your dick into anyone else, or I will… Chop. It. Off.” My fiery Roja enunciated each word in a cold, warning tone. “With a serrated bread knife.”
I stifled a laugh. She was fucking awesome.
“Damn, Roja. You’re vicious.” I released her neck, slipping her coat off her body. I tossed it aside and went to the hem of her sweatshirt.
She grabbed my hand. “No.”
“Baby, I need you.”