Page 57 of Hellbent Hero
“I’ve always been the strong silent type. Now don’t go telling my brothers this… I was afraid of you. Afraid of screwing up before I could pin you to the bed and show you all I could offer you.”
Hero had to be screwing with me. I’d let him. “Well, you’ve done that and quite well, I might add.”
He kissed me, twisting his tongue with mine. I loved the way he practically swallowed me whole. Loved everything he did to me. His teeth captured my bottom lip, then released it.
“Talk, Tara.”
MY WOMAN… SHE was masterful at deflecting, but I wasn’t about to let her. I might’ve been playing around, but I felt it. What was going on with her was serious as fuck.
“Talk, Tara.”
She inhaled a deep breath, gripping my biceps. “I’m messed up.” Her big brown eyes connected with mine. “After years of abuse from my drug addict dad, I hurt myself.” She let out a sigh, like the explanation was exhausting her. “My therapist calls it NSSI, non-suicidal self-injury. When I’m sad or lonely, burning myself brings me comfort.”
Fuck me.
Emotion percolated in my throat, recalling the burns on her body. She’d done that to herself after seeing me in county.Me. I was the cause of her pain. My chest burned with shame and heartache, but I’d deal with my own guilt later. Right now, Tara was my priority. I had to take care of her.
“What did he do to you?” I didn’t even need to know. Rage bloomed inside me. I’d end his life the first chance I got.
“He burned me with a cigarette. Used me as payment for his heroin habit.”
I saw red. “En el nombre de Dios, no.” That man would die by my hand.
Tara blinked her glossy eyes. “What did you say?”
“In the name of God, no. How did he use you, baby?” I kissed her cheek softly.
“How do you think?”
“Fuck!” An image of a young redhead flashed behind my eyes. I snapped them closed, forcing it out of my head. I didn’t want to think of my woman being used for sex. I was sure that was what she meant. In the world I lived in, I’d seen evil, vile things. Sex trafficking was more prevalent than the average person probably realized. But not my woman. I couldn’t stomach hearing she’d been used this way.
God help me, before I lose my mind.
“It’s okay. It wasn’t awful.”
My eyes flashed open. “The fuck you say? We are talking about sex for drugs, right? How old were you?” My heart raced just as fast as the words spewed out of my mouth.
She dropped her chin and closed her eyes.
“Eyes up here,mi vida. You are not allowed to hide from me.”
She obeyed, lifting her face. Damn straight, she did. She needed to know there wasn’t a single thing she could say or do to lose my devotion to her.
“That’s my girl. Continue.”
She swallowed, nodding. “I was twelve. My dad’s dealer gave me something, so I wouldn’t be nervous.” She watched for my reaction. “I mean, at least I had a crush on him. Could have been much worse.”
Fuck me if I couldn’t stop the outright fury igniting in me. “Christ Almighty! Twelve, Roja? You were a little girl and drugged!” If I wasn’t buried deep inside her pussy, I’d be off her and punching the goddamned walls. I dropped my lips to her neck, blinking back tears. “Fuck, baby.”
She caressed my shoulders. “It’s okay, big guy. It was a long time ago. I’m over it.”
How the fuck could anyone be over it?
I leveled my gaze to hers. “Roja, I want to kill both of them.”