Page 71 of Hellbent Hero
“No, I don’t want you to think such a thing. God called them home, baby. It’s not your job to alter God’s will.”
“But you said they died because you sold drugs in the wrong territory.”
“Yes, but those fuckers didn’t need to murder two innocent people. That’s on them. Not me. Their judgment will come, just as it will for all of us.”
A small smile curled her lips. “I understand now.”
“Good. Now, can I ask you something?”
Her brow wrinkled as if she knew where this was going. “Sure, anything.”
“Tell me how I can help you when the urge to hurt yourself hits.”
Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Oh, um.” She bit her bottom lip. “Would you like to go to my therapy appointment after school Friday? Dr. Kelly could probably answer that better than me. I know it’s Storm’s birthday, and I was going to resched—”
I stopped her with my finger on her lips. “I’ll be there.” No chance I’d decline to attend her appointment. She was more important than a party. “One more thing, I threw out your stash while I was waiting for you yesterday.”
She considered me. I could tell when she connected the dots. “You knew about my scars before I showed you? How?”
Shit, I prayed she wouldn’t toss me out on my ass.
“Before you moved back here, Storm had Grizz install security cameras. For your protection. Copper heard you when you were in the bathroom. He smelled the smoke.”
“Fuck! Are you fucking kidding me? They all know I burn myself? That’s just great. This is going to get back to Madeline and the whole fucking club!”
“Shh, relax, baby.” I rubbed her back. “We don’t work like that. We aren’t a bunch of gossiping girls. Only Storm and Grizz know what actually happened. Even then, there isn’t a camera in your bathroom. They saw the scar when you removed your top while talking on the phone to Madeline.”
She groaned, burying her face in my chest. “He’s going to tell her.”
“No, he isn’t. Storm’s not that kind of man. I told him to let you handle it. You can trust him. But I do think you should tell her yourself.” I watched her processing what I’d said. If we were going to be a couple, and I was hellbent on making that happen and never letting her go. She should have more than me to confide in. My woman needed her best friend.
“I’ve wanted to tell her for a long time. I really have. I just didn’t want her to see me as weak or broken.”
“She would never think that about you. She loves you.”
“I think part of me knows that. It’s the other fucked up part telling me differently.”
“I’ll leave it to you, then. Whatever you choose, I support you.” I reached for my wallet on the nightstand. “I wanna show you a picture of Monica pregnant with my son. If you think you can handle it? I don’t want to do anything to upset you or push you over the edge.” Selfishly, I needed to do this so then I could tuck the picture away. If Tara ever found it, I didn’t want her thinking I was hiding it from her.
“Does she have red hair?”
I chuckled. “Not even close. You two look nothing alike.” I presented the picture.
“She’s beautiful.” Tara studied it. “Does her hair go down to her ass?”
“Yes. It annoyed the shit out of me. I’d find it all over the house. On the kitchen floor, clogging the shower drain. In my fucking underwear.” I smiled, remembering the strands I’d pull off my clean boxers and how I had to unclog the drain twice a week.
“Wow, that would be annoying.” She touched the end of her hair. It only went past her shoulders.
“Don’t even think about cutting your hair,mi vida. I love it. I love you for you, just as I loved Monica for Monica. I am not comparing the two of you and I don’t want you to ever do that either.” I cradled her face, pulling it to mine, and kissed her softly. “I’m claiming you at the party. You good with that?”
For a split second I held my breath, worrying she might tell me to fuck off. When her beautiful brown eyes smiled, I sensed she wanted to be claimed as much as I wanted to claim her.
“Yes, I’ve wanted to be yours since our weekend together. Are you sure this is what you want? Claiming a woman is huge.”
I tugged her leg over my hips so she’d straddle me. “Never been more sure about anything, maybe ever.”
She draped her body over mine, placed the photo on the nightstand, and kissed along my jaw. I lifted her hips so she could slide onto my cock.