Page 12 of Defiant Dodge
“Fathers are so over the top. My dad is like that too, and my five brothers.”
“Five?” My eyes bulged.
“Yep. I’m the youngest. As you might imagine, I’ve never had a boyfriend. Not with so many men watching after me.” She looked around. “Which reminds me… I gotta get going. My brother Spectre will be here soon to pick me up.”
“Silas. He’s my dad’s SAA. Wanna meet tomorrow, same time and place?”
“That would be great. I’ve been so lonely.”
She covered my hand with hers. “I get it. We can’t really get close to ‘civilians.’” She made air quotes.
“No, we can’t.”
The next day, I met Piper for lunch with a plan to ask her for help. As scared as I was to put Danny’s life at risk, I was confident he’d want me to, so I’d thrown caution to the wind.
“Hey, Emilee.” Piper sat in the chair beside me. “Did you eat already?”
“Yeah, sorry. I couldn’t wait. I don’t eat a lot at home so I’m always starving by lunch.”
“No biggie. You gotta eat for your baby.”
I smiled, placing my hand on my baby bump. It was now or never. “Piper, will you help me get back to the club?”
She choked on her drink. “Whoa, I wasn’t expecting that.”
I winced. “I can’t take it anymore, Piper. I’ll be twenty next month. Danny should be sharing this experience with me.” I rubbed my belly.
Her gaze dropped to my hand. “It is wrong what your dad is doing. My dad would probably chain me to a wall if I interfered. My brothers would beat my ass.”
All the hope I had dissolved into thin air.
“But when do I ever listen to my dad?” She popped her shoulders up. “Never. And my brothers don’t scare me.”
“I don’t want to get you into trouble.” I’d feel awful if she was punished for helping me.
“Nonsense. My mom has drilled it into my head to never let a man control me. To fight back when I see fit.”
“Really? But she’s an old lady. Your dad is the president. She’s supposed to obey.” Although, I knew Madeline stood up to Storm when needed, and Sugar had put her foot down a time or two with Matt. Maybe all this time, I should’ve been less obedient and fought back.
“Yup, you’re right about obeying your man. But Momma gave him five sons and me.” She pointed to herself. “Birthing and raising six kids shows who has all the power. It’s right between our legs, girlfriend.” Piper giggled, waving her hand at me. “My brothers would lose their shit if they heard me talking like this.”
“Well, because I’m a rebel.” She exuded pride in her statement. “They’re freaking intimidated by a strong, independent, driven woman. It’s why they plan to remain single and get their kicks with the club girls.”
“I want to be you when I grow up.”
“Darlin’, you’re not far behind me. Let’s figure out a plan to get you home to your man.”
Our plan never came to fruition. Piper was set to drive me home to Bastion Township after my last final. Convincing her dad to let her take her car to school hadn’t been easy, but she’d done it with her momma’s support. We’d had everything planned to a T. It should’ve gone off without a hitch.
When I went to meet Piper in the parking lot, I never made it. Tami had stopped me, putting a gun to my back. That bitch must’ve been spying on me. It couldn’t have been a coincidence she was there, like she’d played it off, and Dad had believed her.
Had he gotten furious about her pointing a gun at me? Hell no. He’d thanked her for stopping me.
I hated him. Hated Tami.