Page 18 of Defiant Dodge
He rubbed his hands against his face. “Good morning.”
I took out a plate and a glass from the cabinet.
“You can’t ignore me forever, Em.”
Here we go… Can’t I have one day of peace?
“I can and I will.” I dropped two frozen waffles into the toaster, grabbed a banana and the jar of peanut butter, and filled my glass with milk. It wasn’t fancy, but it would satisfy me.
“Do you really hate me this much?”
I hiked my eyebrow as if saying,really?
“I’m just doing what’s best for you. MCs are dangerous.”
I whirled on him. “It’s my life. My. Life.”
His eyes dropped to Dante, and he reached his hand out to touch him.
I stepped back. “No. Don’t touch him.”
“He’s my grandson. I have rights. You haven’t let me near him.”
“That’s my right as his mother. I’m pulling the parent card just as you’re doing with me. How does it feel, Dad? Will you be glad you ripped your grandson away from his father? Will it bother you when he hates you for it?”
“What? Do you think I won’t tell Dante the reason his daddy isn’t in his life is because of a man named Justin Sanderson?” I would sure as hell tell my son the truth.
He stared at me aghast, almost stricken with heartache. “You’d really do that?”
“You bet I will. I won’t lie to my son.”
Dad stumbled into the counter as if I’d slapped him. I wasn’t sure why he was so surprised. Had he really thought I wouldn’t tell Dante why his father wasn’t in his life? What in the hell was wrong with my dad?
My waffles popped up in the toaster. I plated them, then slathered some peanut butter on top.
He exhaled an exasperated breath. “Before you go, I need to tell you something.”
I held my plate in one hand, my glass in the other as I waited. If he was going to start in on me again, I would lose my shit on him. I was all out of patience.
“A detective came this morning.”
“What for?”
“The little boy next door is missing.”
My blood went cold. “Simon is missing?” Tears pricked my eyes. He was only two.
Dad nodded.
“What happened?” I put the glass down so I could caress my son’s back.
“They don’t know. The detective is going door to door, asking if anyone saw anything.”
I set the plate on the counter as my body started to shake. I looked at my son and wrapped my arms around him.
“Angie must be going out of her mind.” I’d only spoken to the young single mom a few times, mostly when Dad was in earshot. She had her hands full with two kids. Her little girl was three and a half.