Page 20 of Defiant Dodge
But he was my dad. I loved him. All this time, he’d been acting like a heartbroken father, misguided by the hurt I’d caused him. Most betrayals in an MC were unforgivable. I knew the severity of my actions. I just never saw this coming.
Feeling sick to my stomach, I backed away as sobs worked through me. Did he really believe he could control me for the rest of my life?
I closed the door to my bedroom and locked it. At some point, Dante had calmed. I hadn’t even noticed, so shaken by getting slapped for the first time.
Hate toward my dad burrowed in my heart as desperation rushed through my veins.
Determination spread through my soul like a deadly virus.
“I’ll find a way back home to Daddy, sweet boy. My baby mine…” I hummed the song, wiping tears away. “I promise you, Dante. We will be with your daddy soon. He’ll protect us with his life from that evil man.”
Why had I agreed to be a bouncer at The Bullet? I never came here unless for a club party where I was required to attend. The place was boring as fuck and not my kind of scene. Country music didn’t usually bother me. That was before I had to listen to it nonstop.
All evening there wasn’t one bar fight. Nobody tried to get in with a fake driver’s license. Not one damn exciting thing happened. I stood around at the door, feeling like an idiot, as I counted the seconds before I could go home.
Lynx approached. “How’s it going?Dodgingvery many hotties?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?” I so didn’t need this from him.
He laughed, slapping me on the back. “None, huh?”
“I’m bored out of my mind. Where’s all the action? The danger. I want to smash some faces.”
“Sorry, brother. My patrons mind their manners.”
“Great,” I grumbled. “When is karaoke over? I can’t handle another slurring drunk on the stage.”
Lynx looked at his watch. “Another hour.”
“Fuck, man. Send me home. You don’t need me here.”
“No can do. You work until closing and make sure the servers get out of here unharmed.”
I recalled the night the Dirty Hunters knocked out Ire with a lead pipe and raped a young server. She didn’t work here anymore.
“Hey, whatever happened to that girl? The one the Hunter’s enforcer assaulted.”
“I haven’t seen Ava since last Christmas. She told me she didn’t need my help anymore.”
“What kind of help?”
“Money.” He exhaled a heavy breath. “I felt so fucking bad about what happened to her that I’d visit her once a month and give her a check to help pay the bills. She lives with her grandma. They don’t have much, y’know.”
I nodded, scanning the dance floor. “So you think she’s working again?” Not sure why I was so curious about this woman. Only that Ire had been messed up for months after the attack, then one day he was better. When we trained together at the gym, he seemed back to his old self, at the top of his game. He also spent a lot more time texting, which was unusual. Ire hated cell phones.
Lynx shook his head. “Not that I’m aware of. I might pay her a visit. Just to see how she is.” The guilt in his eyes was palpable. As the bar’s manager, he felt responsible for his employees. I’d feel the same way.
“What’s with the pole in the back corner of the stage?” I asked, changing the subject. Talking about Ava was depressing.
Lynx grinned mischievously. “It’s new. Figured The Bullet would be an excellent venue for bachelor parties. I’ll hire a few girls to pole dance and make bank while dudes get wasted drooling over them.” He bumped his shoulder into mine. “It’d be awesome.”
Lynx was always looking for ways to bring in more money.