Page 24 of Defiant Dodge
I’d have to jump out of the window, but it wasn’t far. Fortunately, it was a community backyard, so there was no fencing to maneuver around.
God help us. If I hurt Dante, it would kill me. I kissed his head, mentally preparing myself.
You gotta be lightning fast. Ten seconds tops.
Open the window. Then push the screen out and throw the backpack on the ground. Jump and run like your life depends on it. Dante’s life depends on it.
With no time like the present, I moved swiftly.
You only have ten seconds. Go, go, go!
I ran my plan through my head, doing every step at top speed. I threw one leg over the edge, then the other. Holding the back of Dante’s head to protect him, I launched myself onto the ground, where my backpack had landed. I grunted at the impact, landing on one bended knee.
“Shit, that hurt!” I struggled to stand, willing myself to run as pain spread through my leg.
Dante squirmed, making a whining sound. Adrenaline kicked in. I grabbed my pack, secured it on my back, and bolted, gimpy leg and all.
Whoever Rat was, he’d be furious to find me gone—or more like find Little D gone.
I pounded the ground hard, not looking back. I had no idea where to go. If the alarm went off, Dad would find me gone, and he’d track me. He was a hunter like the rest of the guys in the club. I could see him jumping out of my window and following my path like a bloodhound, sniffing me out. It’d only be a matter of minutes before he caught us.
Run, Em. Run.
Ignoring the pain in my knee, I pushed harder with my pack flapping on my back. There were a few kids out playing. I wanted to stop and warn their parents about the predator stealing kids in broad daylight, but I couldn’t, not when my son appeared to be next on Rat’s list.
Little D probably wondered what the hell was going on, being jostled all over the place, but I couldn’t worry about that. We were out. I needed to keep him safe.
There was only one person I could call: Piper. She’d help us.
I turned the corner. There were two gas stations down the road. Dad would check every possible place I might go. A little farther down, there was a Target. I could hide in there until Piper could get me. If worse came to worst, I’d make a scene if Dad found us. I’d deny knowing him. Accuse him of trying to take my baby.
God, I hoped it didn’t come to that.
I panted, not slowing down as I called Piper.
She answered on the first ring. “Hey, momma. I’m shocked to hear from you. How’s your little guy?”
“Piper, I need your help!”
Even as a patched member, I didn’t always get to attend church. Many times, it was only the council who met. When it was the whole club, we had church in the bar.
Tonight was different. I was the main reason for this meeting.
My stomach was in knots as I waited for Storm to get on with it. He talked in a hushed tone to Uncle Raul while sipping his whiskey. Track was beside me, listening in. Ire was on my other side, tapping his fingers on the table like there was somewhere he needed to be. He was making me more nervous.
Across from me were Hero, Art, and our newly appointed tail gunner, Wolf.
Wolf sat with a stoic expression. Mr. All Business. Ever since Jill’s death, the man only worked. I understood where he was coming from. He’d lost the love of his life. He was merely going through the motions while grieving his woman. I’d overheard Sugar and Tina talking about how there wasn’t a time limit when it came to mourning a loved one. Sugar knew firsthand about that. Her husband was the original president of the club. Matt had died nearly six years ago of cancer.
I hurt for my brother. Losing his woman had been devastating. I’d lost Emilee, but at least she was alive.
“I’m calling this meeting to order.” Storm hit the mallet on the table. “Grizz has been hard at work, checking into Justin. I know we all agree enough is enough with him keeping Emilee away from Dodge. Let me be the first to apologize. Brother, I’m sorry. I handled this situation poorly.”
All eyes turned toward me.