Page 29 of Defiant Dodge
A man had needs.
The plane jostled us a bit. It didn’t help my already-queasy stomach and anxious heart. I snuggled Dante as I sent up another prayer for our safety.
“Don’t be silly. You said Danny loves you. I’m sure he’s been through hell just like you.” She ran her fingers through her dark-brown hair. It was shoulder-length now.
What I wouldn’t give to be as calm as her.
I admired Piper’s fearless attitude, feistiness, and beauty. I hadn’t seen her in months, but we picked up as if no time had passed.
“It’s almost been a year.” The longest and most miserable of my life.
She tilted her head, giving me a little attitude. “You had his baby. You said he was excited about being a dad.”
“Yes, but it’s been a long time.”
Piper shot me an exaggerated eye roll.
“Seriously. You mean to tell me your brothers aren’t screwing the club girls left and right?” I knew they were. When I was at the club, I’d seen Buff carry off a giggling woman. Lady M, Piper’s mom, had only scowled him.
The North Dakota chapter wasn’t all that different from the one I grew up in. Other than the whole council being blood-related. I thought it was neat how the club was run by one family.
“Oh, for sure they are. But my brothers aren’t Danny. They aren’t committed to anyone. The closest one to ever be in a relationship was Cobra, but that was years ago with a sweet, young girl like you.”
A sweet, young girl? I should’ve thanked her for the compliment, but instead, I was insulted. I was a mother. I didn’t want to be thought of as an innocent girl. I wasn’t, hence the baby in my arms. Danny and I were electrifying together. When I was with him, he made me feel desirable and sexy. It was liberating to let my naughty side out after my father had kept me on a short leash my whole life.
Hell, I can be a badass like Sugar and Maddy.
“Em, are you okay?”
I shook myself out of my head. “What happened to the girl? I mean, did Cobra love her?”
“I’m not sure. Cobra never talks about anything personal.”
“Well, why did he dump her? Danny could do the same to me.” I kissed Little D’s head. “Maybe I shouldn’t be going back to Minnesota. Why didn’t I call Danny first?” I was on the brink of losing control of my emotions.
So much for being a badass.
“Em, honey… dang it. Hustler!” Piper shouted behind her. “Why did Cobra end it with his girlfriend?”
“Jeez, Pipe, was she his girlfriend? I don’t remember. That was a lifetime ago.” He laughed.
She twisted in her seat. “Nuh-uh. It’s only been six years. I’m sure you remember how it went down. I was only fourteen then. Nobody would tell me anything.”
Hustler snorted. “I think she was too young for him. All I remember was Cobra drinking a lot. Now leave me alone. I’m trying to fly.”
Piper turned back to face me. “He’s absolutely no help.”
I teared up as I questioned if I’d made the wrong decision. It would destroy me to see Danny with someone else, especially a kitten. Some were nice, like Libby, but most of them were all about the men and sex.
“I don’t think I can do this.” I wiped away a traitorous tear off my cheek. “Would your brother hate me if I asked him to turn the plane around and take me back to Fargo?”
Piper made a sad face. “You’re getting yourself worked up, momma. What about Dante? Dad and Cobra had Hustler whisk you two out of town to get you away from the danger.”
I sniffled as another tear rolled down my face. “I’m overwhelmed. So much has happened today, I can’t process it. Tami was going to take my baby. You heard Cobra. He thinks she’s connected in the disappearance of the little boy next door to me. My dad is missing.” I wiped under my eyes. “My dad is missing. I might see Danny. It’s just so much, y’know?”
“Youwillsee Danny. It isn’t fair to compare him to my brothers. They’ve chosen to stay single. They don’t have a kid or want any.” She pushed her bottom lip out. When I was pregnant, Piper told me she longed to be an auntie. I’d told her she could be Dante’s.
“He could’ve gotten tired of waiting for me. Found someone else.”