Page 64 of Defiant Dodge
“Justin.” Dodge sat across from me. He’d certainly beefed up since I’d last seen him. Most of the prospects did if they worked out at the gym with Boxer. My gaze dropped to the patch on his cut.
I’ll be dammed. He’s a full-fledged member now.
I shouldn’t be surprised. Dodge had been a prospect for three years when Em and I left, which was longer than most because he’d started at nineteen.
Storm slid the third bottle toward him. “Let’s keep this talk productive and short.”
“What, are you moderating?” I snorted and guzzled my beer.
“Fuck, it’s ridiculous, but yeah. So don’t piss me off,” Storm said, a touch of amusement in his voice.
Dodge chuckled. “I have no intention of dragging this out. I’m here to ask for your blessing.”
“Fucking hell.” I raised my eyes toward the ceiling. “I’m not here five fucking minutes, and he’s asking for my blessing. You have some balls.”
Dodge leaned forward, elbows on the table, his eyes narrowed. “I’m not asking because I need your blessing. I’ve claimed Emilee. She’s mine.”
I gritted my teeth. “Then why the fuck are you asking?” I needed to maintain control. Storm had already told me Dodge had claimed Emilee in front of the club. There wasn’t shit I could do about it now. Not that I planned to.
Dodge relaxed in his seat. “I’m asking because it would make my woman happy. I suggest you do the same.”
I slammed my bottle on the table. “Your woman?” It pissed me off how smug he was about it. His possessiveness stabbed me in the heart. I was no longer the number one man in Emilee’s life.
Dodge stared me in the eyes. “My fiancée.”
I growled. They were engaged?
Storm cleared his throat. “The way I see it, Justin, you can either accept Dodge as Emilee’s choice, or you can lose her forever. It’s pretty fuckin’ cut and dry.”
I knew I’d lose this battle, but I couldn’t let it go. “So you’re telling me you’ll side with Dodge? After everything we’ve been through.”
“Yes.” Storm scratched his chin. “Not because you left the club and turned in your cut. Not to punish you in any way. I’m standing by my brother because Emilee is a grown woman. She gets to pick who she loves, just like you and me. What would you’ve done if Laura’s dad took her away from you?”
Dammit, he had to bring up my sweet Laura. I flicked my eyes toward the ceiling again. After what had happened with Rat trying to take Dante, Laura would wring my neck if she could.
Time to let it the fuck go. Maybe I’d be welcomed in my daughter’s and grandson’s life. “Fine, I see what you’re saying. I don’t like it, but I get it.” I looked past Dodge toward the entrance. I saw the same woman as before, but she was carrying a big tote bag. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me. Tami’s sister wouldn’t be in this club.
“So, will you give us your blessing?” Dodge asked with a stupid grin.
“Aww, shit. I’m gonna need another beer or something stronger before I give you my blessing.”
Storm snorted, raising his hand. “Copper! Bring a bottle of Jack over here.”
“Yeah, boss,” Copper replied.
I couldn’t help but smile. I’d missed this with my brothers. Wished I’d never left.
But it was too late. Once a Knight turned in his cut, he couldn’t come back. I regarded my stump in my lap. I wasn’t fit to be a biker anymore. That ship had sailed.
Copper passed out shot glasses and set the whiskey on the table. “Good to see ya again, Justin.” He glanced at my arm. “Fuck, man. I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be. It could’ve been a whole lot worse.” I could be dead.
“Storm!” a woman screamed. It was Angel, hysterical. “The babies are gone!”