Page 107 of Lawless Lynx
“Forever? What happens when you find someone else?”
“There won’t be anyone else. Ava is it for me. I only want her, anyway I can have her.”
“You sound like you’ve given up sex.”
Ire parked the cage, turned it off, and we got out. “I have. Well, with other women, anyway. My hand does the job.”
Christ, my brother was hardcore. But then, I’d stopped having sex with the kittens the day I met Jaynee, so I understood where he was coming from.
I recalled what happened to my brothers when they fell in love. Their woman had become their everything, their queen, and they’d never risk losing her.
I was right there with Storm, Hero, Boxer, Dodge, and now Ire; madly in love.
We entered the clubhouse and went straight to church. When I’d seen Storm yesterday, I told him not to waste any time putting a plan together to get my girls back. I wanted them home yesterday.
“All right, motherfuckers, I’m here,” I announced, holding my arms out. “I’d hug each one of you but we’ve got shit to do.”
Grunts and snorts filled the room.
I took my seat and cut my gaze at Storm. “Well, Prez? What’s the plan.”
“You sound like you’re gonna be in on this rescue.”
“Hell, yeah, I am.”
“Hell, no, you aren’t. You’re out on bond. You can’t even leave the county, much less go to Vegas.”
I stared at Storm, dumbstruck. “I’m innocent.”
Prez pinched the bridge of his nose. “No you aren’t. None of us are who went into Viper territory last month. You just happened to take the fall for the rest of us.”
I gaped, raising my hands like, what the fuck? “I’m going.”
“Ese, don’t be stupid.” Hero cut in. “We’ll protect your girls.”
“Of course we will.” Boxer nudged me. “We can’t risk your ass getting locked back up. Think about your girls.”
“Will you all stop fucking with me? I don’t need you talking sensibly. Those are my girls. Mine. I have to be there. I’m going.”
My brothers stared at me. They wouldn’t convince me otherwise.
Storm’s gaze rounded the table, pausing at each brother who gave him a firm nod. When he stopped at me, he sighed. “We knew you’d feel this way. I just needed to be sure. It’s risky.”
“I know it is but Jaynee and Sadie are worth it.”
“Not one man at this table would do it differently, brother. It’s why I called Cobra. He’s getting a crew together to take two of their planes to Vegas. We can’t have our names on any passenger lists. He should be here any time.”
“Fuck, yeah.” Relief spread through my chest. I was prepared to fight each of my brothers if they tried to stop me from going to Vegas. “So, what’s the plan.”
“Grizz found out Sadie’s in preschool and where. If we can get her and Jaynee out of the state before Richard realizes what’s happened, then we can take him out.”
“That’s what the second plane is for, right? For Jaynee and Sadie?”
Storm nodded. “We need help to get to them, though. A woman.”
“Two women would be better,” Hero added.
“Why do we need women?” This was a first.