Page 112 of Lawless Lynx
“I’m not going anywhere. I won’t be the reasonhespends the rest of his life in prison.”
“Just follow me.” Karma went into the building.
And so I did.
I nodded and smiled at some familiar faces as I had the past several weeks. It was all an act. I had no idea who I could trust. If crabby old Louise was on Richard’s payroll, any one of these parents could be too.
Karma went into the bathroom.
I set Sadie on her feet. “Do you need to potty before class starts?” She usually went beforehand.
I held the door open, doing my damnedest to appear normal, then went inside.
Sadie happily waved at Karma as she went into the stall. No one else was in here.
“Read.” She handed me her phone. “We need to be quick. Once school starts, we won’t be able to get out until it’s over.”
Lynx: Baby, don’t overthink. Just do as Karma says. I won’t go to jail. Please, just follow Karma’s instructions. It’ll all be okay.
My heart hurt. I touched my stomach as I teared up. “I love him so much. I’ll never forgive myself if he goes to prison.”
Karma placed her hand on my shoulder. “He won’t. But we need to hurry.”
“Richard has a witness.”
“Doesn’t matter. Lynx and the others got this. You need to trust your man.”
She was right. I needed to trust Zander.
The toilet flushed and Sadie exited the stall. “Where’s Nova?”
“We need to hurry, Jay.”
“Okay.” I helped Sadie wash her hands. “What do we do?”
“There’s a car waiting for us in the back. He’s in it.” She refrained from saying Zander’s name. It was smart, considering Sadie would probably lose her mind with excitement. “We need to go out the lunchroom door.
“Where we going?” Sadie asked.
“I need you to keep your mouth closed until I tell you it’s okay to talk again. Do you remember how we did it after our plane ride?”
Sadie rolled her lips into her mouth and nodded.
“Good girl. Just please cooperate, okay?”
She nodded again.
“Awesome. Let’s go.” Karma went to the door. “The bell will be ringing in a few minutes.”
“I won’t even ask how you know all this.”
She snickered, exiting the bathroom.
I took Sadie’s hand. “Come on, peanut.”
She flashed me a giant smile upon hearing the nickname Zander called her. It was the first since we left Minnesota. The word had just rolled off my tongue unbidden.