Page 15 of Sinful Sugar
“I suspected as much.” Of course. It was why she’d teased me about Art the night a bunch of us waited for the men to return from the run in the Twin Cities. That was the night Ire had lost his memory and Art had been badly beaten.
I trembled as I recalled how his handsome face was swollen and bruised. The same thing could happen to him again. Or worse. What if he was killed?
“Tina, I don’t know how it happened. How can I love a younger guy I can’t have?”
“Why can’t you have him?”
I rolled over to face her. “Because of my boys. It would destroy them. I’ll be Sugar the cougar.”
“No, you won’t. It’s not like Art is a teenage boy. He’s a grown man and can decide for himself.”
“I wish it were that simple, but it’s not.”
She dried my tears with a tissue. “How long have you felt this way?”
“Since last spring when I ended things with Jack.”
Tina hiked a brow. “Jack?”
“Shit. I’ve kept so much from you. I’m the worst friend ever.” I closed my eyes to hide my shame. If I’d kept Tina in the loop, maybe she would’ve encouraged me to give Jack a chance, then Art and I wouldn’t be a thing.
“Let me decide if you’re the worst friend ever. Tell me about Jack.”
“It’s humiliating, really. During the shit with the Dirty Hunters, I hooked up with him the night Storm discovered Madeline was from his past. We’d both been drinking and it just happened. I thought it would only be one time.”
“But it wasn’t?”
She smiled and passed me a tissue. “I can see why you’d be with Jack. He’s handsome.”
“He is and charming and age-appropriate. After he and his crew returned home to Iowa, I’d met him a couple of times for a quickie. During that time, Art seemed to be everywhere and I started feeling stuff I shouldn’t.”
“So, you never felt more for Jack?”
“No. He wanted more, but I just didn’t feel it, y’know?” I couldn’t bring myself to admit I’d used him for a good time. Jesus, I was an awful person.
“And now you’re in love with Art. Does he know?”
“I imagine he does. I wouldn’t be surprised if he can read me like a book.”
“Have you been with him?”
I covered my face. “Yes. I’m a horrible, horrible person.”
“I doubt Art thinks you’re horrible.”
“He’s under my spell. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.” Another tear skittered into my hairline. “I’m an older woman. He shouldn’t want me.”
“Aww, why not? You’re gorgeous, kind, and fun.”
“I’m an over forty mom of twin boys who are only ten years younger than him. I can’t believe I let it get this far.”
“Stop talking like you’re robbing the cradle. If you and Art are mutually attracted to each other and want to be together, I say go for it.”
“I don’t think Storm and the others would feel the same. You know how devoted they are to Matt.”
“Art’s a member, it shouldn’t be an issue.”