Page 17 of Sinful Sugar
“If Jax is Johnny’s son, my father will be devastated to have gone twenty years not being in his life.”
“How will you find out who the father is?”
“The other guy agreed to take a paternity test.”
“Well, I guess that’s good.”
A knock at the door had us sitting up.
“Yeah?” I called.
“Mom?” It was Maddox. “Is Tina with you? Raymond and Valerie are home from school and can’t find her.”
Tina checked the time on her phone and grimaced. We must’ve been in my bedroom for over an hour by now.
“Yes, she’s with me. She’ll be out in a minute.”
“Mom, are you okay? Why won’t you open the door?”
“I’m fine, just girl issues. Go tell the kids to have a snack, and Tina will be down shortly.”
“I hear it in your voice. You’re not okay.” He jiggled the doorknob. “What’s wrong? Open the door.”
“Maddox, I’m fine.”
“Open the damn door and prove it.” This boy. He was so much like his father and Storm, way overprotective and demanding, with killer good looks. One day he’d make a fine president.
I scooted off the bed. If I didn’t show my son I was okay, I wouldn’t put it past him to break the door down. The last thing I needed was to draw more attention to me. Art would hear about it through the grapevine, then I’d have to deal with him too.
Knocking ensued. “Open up. I’m not leaving until you—”
I flung the door open. “Until what?”
“What the hell is going on?” He took one look at me and reeled me into his arms. “I could tell you didn’t look right at the gate. What happened?”
I loved my boy with my whole heart, but I couldn’t tell him the truth. “I’m okay, really. I was just missing Uncle Johnny.” It wasn’t a total lie. Like with Matt and my mom, I missed my brother every day. I just didn’t usually cry like this.
“Shit, Mom.” He squeezed me tighter. “Don’t freak me out like that. I always think the worst, like maybe someone hurt you. I’d kill anyone who hurt you.”
I hugged him back. “You’re a good son, Maddox. But I’m just sad, is all.” More like devastated I couldn’t be with the man I loved.
“Can I do something to make you feel better? I’ll do anything, Mom. Just name it.”
“Sweetie, knowing you care so much is all I need.”
He pulled back to see my face. “Don’t blow off your feelings. Isn’t that what you used to tell Markey and me after Dad died?”
“Yes.” I patted his arm. “I’m not blowing off my feelings. My blotchy face and puffy eyes are proof.”
“She’s right,” Tina told him. “I was here to comfort her.”
Maddox stared at Tina. “Thank you. Next time, come find me. I’ll be her support.” And this was why I was afraid to mention Art or any man for that matter. Maddox had taken it upon himself to protect and support me after Matt’s death. I was confident nobody would ever be good enough for me in his eyes.
“Sure thing, honey,” Tina replied. She came to my side. “Will you be okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I think I’ll just hang out here for the rest of the day. Maybe binge Netflix and let myself grieve.” There was no way I could show my face after bawling my eyes out. I’d get overwhelmed with questions, and Storm would freak out.