Page 24 of Sinful Sugar
“Yes, call and tell him what you’ve been hearing. You shouldn’t have waited to contact him.” I took a drink of water to cool my jets. I was getting worked up.
“I’d hoped I was wrong.” He sat back down. “I know Storm has his hands full with the Vipers. Didn’t want to put anything else on him.”
“Grandpa, it’s not only Storm.” Maddox resumed eating his sub. “We all work together to keep our territory safe.”
“He sounds just like Matt.” My father smiled proudly.
“That’s the best compliment you could give me, Grandpa.”
Oh boy. I didn’t need two days in a row where I fell into sadness. I watched my dad and son scarf down their lunch. They talked baseball, placing bets on who’d make it to the world series this year. My father was a die-hard Minnesota Twins fan. Maddox and Markey had kept current with the players and watched the games when they could. They had loved playing baseball when they were kids. My dad had attended every game and had hoped one of them would’ve stuck with the sport.
But as my boys grew up, their interests went in different directions. Maddox had been determined to be a biker, the next KLMC president. Markey had been into solving mysteries, so staying in Arizona had made sense, given his interests.
Dad laughed heartily. I missed what had been said. “I sure enjoy our lunches. We should get together more often.”
I smiled. “We should, Dad. You could come out to the clubhouse tonight to have a drink and sing karaoke.” I knew he’d make an excuse. In his line of work, spending time at the compound would be a conflict of interest. He’d get some blowback at the station.
“Wish I could, Eve. Maybe when I retire.”
“Retire? Now there’s a word I never thought I’d hear come out of your mouth.”
“Well, there comes a time when enough is enough. I’d like to do more ice fishing in the winter.” He’d been on the force for nearly forty years, the last twenty-two years as the sheriff. I’d say it was time to retire while he was still young enough to do all the things he’d put off.
“More ice fishing, aye?” Maddox brushed the crumbs off his hands. “I’m down for that. Markey and Storm would be too.”
“I think all the Knights would be up for an ice fishing party.” Well, everyone except Art. He didn’t care to be out in sub-zero weather.
I tuned out Maddox and my dad as they reminisced about ice fishing.
This morning I’d gone about my business as usual to not show any emotion toward Art. It hurt him when I kept my distance. It hurt me too. If we couldn’t come to a mutual agreement to stay away from each other, I didn’t know what I’d do.
The more I gave into my wants and needs, the more I wanted to fight for us.
I wasn’t looking forward to karaoke night. The other old ladies would drag me out to sing, and I’d have to play along. It would be fun as always, but I knew Art wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off me.
I’d love it and hate it all at once.
Love more than hate.
My gaze rounded the council’s table, landing on the empty chairs. The meeting room felt quieter than usual without Track talking Prez’s ear off. Dodge listened with interest to Lynx and Boxer discussing SUVs. They were looking to trade in their trucks for something more family-friendly.
On the other side of the table, Ire messed around on his cell phone. Wolf sat with a stone-cold expression. Storm, Hero, and Raul talked in hushed tones while Grizz sat at his corner desk.
I never felt so out of place before, like I didn’t belong at the council’s table. Probably because I had a massive secret I was keeping from everyone.
Storm’s phone rang. We’d been waiting for Track to call. Prez had wanted him in on the vote and to give an update on Brynne, Tina’s daughter.
Prez answered. “Hey, I got you on speaker.”
“K,” Track’s voice filled the room. It almost felt like he was in the room.
“How’s it going in Montana?” Raul leaned toward the phone. After Track left, the VP spent more time with his old lady, Tina. The club was closing in on getting her daughter. Tina would finally be reunited with the child she’d left behind.
“I love the mountains out here,” Track replied. “Just wished I could go explore the area more.”