Page 37 of Sinful Sugar
“A day spa. Her friend works there, I guess.” I shrugged as I leaned against the hallway wall.
“But the meeting is today with the Vipers.” He scratched his chin, went into his room, and returned with his tablet.
“Yes. Do you know who the friend is?” Eve never mentioned friends outside of the club. The only one I knew of was Mickey, who lived in Arizona.
“No. I don’t dig into stuff unless Prez tells me to.”
Of course. This was why I trusted Grizzly not to say anything. Half the time, he lived in his own world on his computer. The other half was spent doing the club’s security and anything else Storm asked of him. A few years before me, he’d joined the club when Matt found him and brought him into the fold. When I was voted in to take Justin’s place as secretary, I’d asked Storm why not give it to Grizzly. He had seniority over me. All Storm had said was, “He’s where he should be.” I didn’t know what that meant or Grizzly’s full story. It wasn’t my place to question the Prez, so I’d left it alone.
“Okay, do you know the name of the spa? I didn’t know there was one in town.”
“There are several hair salons in Bastion. Maybe she meant one of them. I don’t keep tabs on her. If Prez asks me to check, I do.” Grizzly did something on his device. He didn’t make eye contact often, usually only with Prez and Libby.
“Does he ever ask you to check up on her the way you do the rest of us?”
“No? Then how do you know if she’s up to no good?”
He scowled. “It’s Sugar. What kind of shit do you think she’d get into?”
“Point made. Can you keep track of her if she leaves? Maybe turn the tracking app on her phone. Nobody wants anything to happen to her.”
“Why isn’t Storm telling me this?”
I pushed off the wall. “He has a lot on his mind with the meeting and Angel’s pregnancy. The Prez is tired.”
Grizzly nodded. “I know. I’ll text you if Sugar leaves.”
“Thanks.” I headed back upstairs to the kitchen. If Eve hadn’t returned from outside yet, I’d go find her to make sure she was okay. Knowing her, she was probably pissed at me for getting bossy with her.
It was too bad. Like it or not, I loved her and wouldn’t give her up. I just didn’t know how to get through to her.
To my relief, she was at the island chatting with Ava. Ire was next to his woman with a plate in hand. He never left her side. When he dropped her off at the tattoo parlor, it would take him half an hour or longer before she could get him out the door. He and Storm were the most overprotective, over-the-top men in the club.
I took a seat beside Wolf. He cut his eyes at me as he shoveled his breakfast into his mouth.
If Eve wouldn’t give in and be with me, I’d erected a stone wall around my heart the way Wolf had after Jill died. It wouldn’t surprise me if he became a monk the way he avoided women. The only ones he talked to were the old ladies. He avoided single chicks and the kittens like the plague. I was sure if a woman ever captured his heart, she’d be glued to his side. Losing the love of our life destroyed a man.
What made it worse for Wolf was he’d been mere feet away from Jill when she’d been shot. The poor son of a bitch had blamed himself for not protecting her.
I turned toward him so I didn’t stare at Eve. “You ready to begin the search for Rosa?”
He grunted and drank his coffee.
Okay then. I should know better than to talk to Wolf in the morning. He was the grumpiest out of the whole lot of us. But I sensed his coldness had to do with catching Eve leaving my room. Oh well, my brother better get used to the idea of Eve and me.
Only a handful of us going today: Storm, Hero, Ire, Hollywood, and me.
“Mom, are you okay?” Maddox’s voice pierced my eardrums.
“Shh, not here,” she whispered, but I heard her clearly.
I peered over my shoulder to see Eve tuck her arm through Maddox’s. He didn’t take his eyes off her. For only being nineteen, he had an intimidating aura like Storm. It must’ve been a family trait. Cobra had the same don’t-fuck-with-me air about him.
“Don’t stare,” Wolf said through gritted teeth.
“I’m not.” I faced forward, fired up that Wolf would call me out. I looked back at my woman again. She wasn’t paying any attention to me.