Page 40 of Sinful Sugar
I ran my hand over the neckline of my blouse. “You don’t like it?” I faked being hurt.
“No, you look great. But is that what you wear for a spa day?”
“I just wanted to dress up a little.” I dropped my head. Shame on me for manipulating my son.
“Hey, sorry. You look pretty, Mom. What time will you be back?”
“By supper.” I hadn’t expected him to ask me when I’d be back. Storm had trained him far too well.
“That late?”
“I wanted to do a little shopping, have lunch. You know, make a day of it.” Talk about laying it on thick. It was a gorgeous spring day, the kind I usually went out in with Tina and Maddy. Only today had started out tainted.
“And Storm knows about this?” Maddox furrowed his brow as if trying to read me.
I tilted my head and shot him a mom-look. “Yes. Don’t forget who the parent is, Mad.”
“Right… Sorry. Have fun.”
“Thanks, sweetie.” Relief swelled in my chest as Maddox strolled back to the guard shack. A moment later, the gate opened.
Halfway down the dirt road, I screamed to release the stress I’d been holding in. I couldn’t take getting interrogated at every turn. Before my beloved Matt had died, I’d been the queen of Knight’s Legion MC. Only Matt had bossed me around. After he passed, I’d remained in charge until Storm married Maddy.
For almost twenty years, the position I’d held had earned me the utmost respect. Nobody had questioned me as they were now. I didn’t like it one bit.
On the Bluetooth, I called Jack to give him a heads up I was on my way.
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise, beautiful. How are you, Eve?”
“I need to see you. Are you free?”
“For you? Always.”
I rolled my eyes. Why did men always think everything revolved around sex? “This isn’t a hookup, Jack. I need to talk to someone, and you’re the only one I can turn to who isn’t in the club.”
“So talk. Why come to Mason City?”
“I needed to get away.”
“The last time you needed to get away, I had my way with you.”
Why did he have to bring that up? “We’re not having sex. I told you before, we aren’t happening.”
“Then why should I carve out time for you? What’s in it for me, Eve?”
I hit my steering wheel. Why did every man have to have some “dickhead” in him? “Fine, Jack. Be an assho—”
“I’ll be here. Come. We can talk if that’s what you want.”
I smiled victoriously. “I need a friend I can talk to.”
“All right. I’ll be a friend, could use one too. See you soon.” He ended the call.
Why would Jack need a friend? I guessed I’d find out soon enough.
While I was driving, I wanted to check in with my other son. I hadn’t spoken to Markey in a few days. I’d been so wrapped up in all the drama in Minnesota, all the naughty with Art, it was time this momma made sure her boy was doing okay in the desert.
“Hey, Mom,” he answered on the first ring.