Page 45 of Sinful Sugar
“And there wasn’t in the beginning.”
“Who is he? Wolf? Justin?”
I shifted in my chair. “No. Someone else. Who he is doesn’t matter.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Because he’s too young and wants me. I don’t know what to do. I want him. But my boys, Jack, they’d flip out along with Storm and the rest of the club.” I hid my face behind my hands. “I’m so screwed.”
“How much younger? Is it one of the prospects? That Hollywood kid?”
I dropped my hands and my eyes went wide. “God, no. He’s two years older than my boys.”
“Then who?”
“It doesn’t matter. But we’re talking ten to twelve years younger.” I knew exactly how much older I was than Art, but I didn’t want Jack figuring out who I was worked up over.
“That is a pretty big age difference. Damn…” He took another long drag of his smoke.
“Gee, thanks. I feel so much better.”
“Don’t get me wrong. Love whoever you want. I just don’t see many women with much younger men.”
“No, it’s usually men with much younger women. Why is that more acceptable? I don’t understand it.” It wasn’t fair. I shouldn’t be so goddamned torn up over a man I cared about because of his age.
Jack shrugged. “Just always been that way. Have you asked the other old ladies in the club what they think?”
“No.” If Tina was right, Maddy and the others would support me, but I hadn’t worked up the courage to talk to them. “I don’t want to cause any drama until I know what I’m doing. Do you think I should set him free so he can find someone his own age?” The very thought made my throat constrict. I doubted I could survive without Art. If he started bringing another woman around the club, my heart couldn’t take it.
“Does he want kids? You up for having a baby?”
“It’s not like it used to be. Women have babies into their forties all the time.” Desperation flooded my veins. If I couldn’t convince Jack it would be okay, I’d never get my sons or Storm on board.
Wait. Why was I trying to convince Jack?
Jesus Eve, get your head on straight.
“But do you want another baby? Starting from scratch at your age seems like a lot of work.”
That did it. Jack set me off. “Don’t be a jerk! I know what’s involved in having a baby. I had twins, for frick’s sake.” I glowered at him. “The last time we were together, you asked to go bare so you could knock me up. Why was it okay back then and not now?”
Jack chuckled as he snuffed out his smoke in an ashtray. “Because I want you for myself, Sugar. I make no apologies for hoping you cut that guy loose.”
I slumped in my chair. “Can’t you just be my friend? What should I do? Go for it? Move to another planet?” Would he not help me figure out my love life?
Eve, you should’ve known Jack would be of no help.
Dammit. I shouldn’t have come.
He reached his hand out. “Let’s go to my room.”
I rolled my eyes. “Didn’t you hear me? I’m in love with another man.”
“I heard you, just testing you.” He stood from his chair. “I’ll get us some lunch. How does a pulled pork sandwich sound?”
“Delicious.” I couldn’t believe him. Testing me?
Jack kissed the top of my head. “Good. Be back shortly.”