Page 65 of Sinful Sugar
“So, no clues?” I didn’t like Rosa’s situation. She could be sold to a nut job, whereas, Irisah was probably fine. Copper just didn’t know where to look for her.
“No.” Wolf looked at Hustler. “Those human trafficking rings still active in your territory?”
“Fuck yeah, they are. We take one down, another pops up. It’s a neverending headache.”
“I wonder if one of them has Rosa?” Wolf stared off in the distance, his twitching like he would lose his shit any second.
Hustler shrugged. “It’s possible. I’ll call Bone. Cobra’s got other things he’s dealing with at the moment.”
Wolf nodded. “Good. The longer it takes to find her, the more harm could be done to her.”
I shuddered at what could happen to the girl. I’d seen the damage sexual assault could do to a woman. Ire’s Ava had gone through hell before he’d gotten through to her. Rosa was an innocent young woman who’d been forced to marry a selfish prick to form an alliance between two crime families. Her whole life, she’d been protected by Ciro and the Remotti family. It was her fucking husband that had given her to Jordy.
Wolf needed to find Rosa before it was too late.
Hero and I parked our hogs in Casita’s Mexican Restaurant’s parking lot. The club had a private spot near the kitchen entrance where Grizzly had installed security cameras. After the mayhem the Dirty Hunters had caused, we had taken precautions throughout our territory. We could never be too safe.
We were meeting Sheriff Hendricks for an early supper, along with Sugar, per his request. I was not thrilled about being here.
When I spoke to Jim this morning, he’d apologized for not calling sooner. He’d figured Sugar had brought me up to speed about the new drug development in town, and I was already taking care of the issue. Imagine his surprise when I hadn’t a clue what he was talking about.
My aunt hadn’t told me shit about a meth house on the east side of town. In fact, I’d hardly seen Sugar the past week. I hadn’t thought much about her disappearances. I hoped to God she hadn’t started seeing Jack again. I truly wanted her to be happy, but with someone outside the club? I didn’t like it.
“So what’s this about?” Hero took his phone out of the pocket inside his cut and texted someone. I hadn’t told him what the meeting was about. I’d caught him on my way out of the clubhouse and told him to follow. Like the kickass SAA he was, he’d hopped on his Harley without questions.
“Who you texting?” I shouldn’t care, but I was on edge over Sugar’s lack of communication. Being a husband and father had occupied a lot of time. It sometimes distracted me because I adored my wife and daughter like crazy and couldn’t get enough of them.
Still, I was the president and should know everything going on in my territory and club.
“Roja, to see if she wants me to bring her anything.”
I hiked a curious brow. “That’s nice of you.” The guys and I regularly ate at Casitas. Not once had Hero checked in with Tara to see if she wanted food. Hell, none of us had with our old ladies unless they were pregnant…
“Yeah, boss.” He grinned like the cat who swallowed the canary.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” I took my sunglasses off as we went to the side door. Hendricks and Sugar were already inside.
“I’m supposed to keep my mouth shut.” His grin grew, practically splitting his face in two.
“Brother, say no more. You did it, didn’t you?”
“Fuck yeah, I did.”
“Congratulations. I’m happy for ya.” I gave him a brotherly half-hug.
Hero would make a damn fine father. He had suffered the greatest heartbreak when he lost his pregnant wife and baby. He deserved all the best.
“I’m nervous, y’know? I can’t lose this one or my wife. Not again.”
“You won’t. That’s why we work hard to keep our territory safe.”
He exhaled a heavy breath. “She hasn’t been to the doctor to confirm. Just did one of those home tests, so we aren’t telling anyone yet. But I feel it in my bones. My woman is moody, tired, craving spicy foods and her tits hurt. She’s definitely pregnant.”
“Okay. TMI. I don’t need to hear anymore.”