Page 100 of Cobra's Karma
“It’s a great spot. I see your family tree is on the wall.” Dad studied it. “It looks like you have a bigger family than all the others.” He winked and touched my chin.
I bobbed my head staring at him. He looked at me differently than any other person I knew. Well, except Mommy. She had the same sparkle in her eyes like my dad. It made me feel loved.
“Nova, who’s that?” Grayson asked, standing next to me.
“My dad, silly.” I elbowed him.
“Is he a biker?”
I looked at my dad’s black vest. “Yup.”
“Who’s this?” Dad asked.
“Grayson Lee. The boy who chases me during recess. If he catches me, he’s going to kiss me.” I made a gagging face.
“I don’t want you kissing my daughter.” Dad crossed his arms over his chest. He was very tall and had lots of muscles. He stared at Grayson with his eyebrow arched. “You get me?”
Grayson nodded his head fast.
“Are you nice to Nova?”
Grayson nodded.
“Are you scaring my students, Cobra?” Mrs. Fuentes laughed.
“His name is Cobra?” Grayson’s eyes bugged out. “That’s so cool!”
“I’m just making sure my daughter is treated well. Isn’t that right, Grayson?”
Grayson nodded with a funny expression. I liked it. I also liked hearing my dad call me his daughter.
Last night was super scary. When I saw Stein shoot his gun at my dad, I ran back into my room, afraid Stein might come after me. But my dad had protected my mom and me like he promised. He kept his word, and it made me feel like I could trust him.
Before yesterday, I’d been afraid to call Abe, dad. I’d said it in my head a lot, but never to his face.
Things were different now. I wanted to call him dad every chance I got.
“Do you like staring at Nova’s dad, Grayson?” Mrs. Fuentes’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
Grayson’s face turned red. “Yeah. I want to be like him when I grow up.” He scratched his head. He did that when he was nervous.
“You do?” I was so surprised, and I kind of liked his answer.
“Mhm.” Grayson smiled.
“Come see me when you’re as big as me and have as many muscles,” Dad told Grayson.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be as big as you, Cobra.”
My dad was pretty big, kind of like a superhero.
“Sure you will.” Dad winked at him.
“I’ve got your cinnamon rolls, Mrs. Fuentes.” Mommy handed her a bag.
“Thank you. I can’t believe I left it at the compound. These food cravings are vicious.” She opened the bag and stuck her nose in it. “Mmm. Sugar’s are the best.”