Page 11 of Cobra's Karma
“Clearly.” I captured her lips to shut her up. Burying my fingers in her jet black hair, I kissed her desperately, inhaling her into my lungs. “Fuck, I need you.” Goose flesh spread over my body as she kissed me back, and my cock hardened on the spot.
Touching and kissing Karma was everything.
Euphoria set in, a flicker of hope sparked in my chest, then she ripped her lips away.
“You bastard!” She slapped me. “I don’t want you.”
“It sure felt like you did a second ago. You’re just fighting it.”
“I want you to leave me alone.”
“I can’t.”
“She’s not yours!” she yelled. “She’s mine!” She pushed me away and opened her car door.
“If you don’t give me a chance, I’ll be gone for good, Karma!” I growled the empty threat like a goddamn fool. “I’m warning you. I’m fuckin’ done playing your games.”
“My games? I wouldn’t waste my time on you if you were the last man alive! It’s not me turning up at your clubhouse begging you to talk. God knows if I did, you’d be fucking a club whore just like the last time.”
“You’re such a bitch! I didn’t—”
“We agree on something. I am a bitch.” She cut me off and got into the car. “Now, leave me alone!”
“Let me explain what happened.” I grabbed the door to stop her from closing it. “It’s not what you think.”
“I don’t have time to screw around with you. I have my daughter to get home to.”
“She’s my daughter,” I hissed. As usual, my plans of being civilized went to shit. “If she’s not, prove it.”
“I don’t owe you anything.” She tugged on the door.
“Stop dodging me. I know she’s mine.”
“You don’t know anything!”
“Woman, if you don’t—”
A motorcycle stole my attention as it came toward us.
Karma jerked the door out of my hand. I didn’t fight her when the bike slowed to a stop next to me. She locked the door, started the engine, and drove off.
“Fucking hell.” I threw my hands up. Another opportunity was stolen from me, just like my kid.
“Hey, man. Harassing my employee, are you?”
I watched Karma’s red car, ignoring Art. At least I’d gotten to kiss her, albeit briefly. If she thought I would just go away, she had another thing coming.
“I gotta give you props for enduring her constant rejections.”
“She’s worth it.” I glared at him.
“I’ll take your word for it.” He got off his bike. “Have you made any progress with her?”
“Did you not just see her speed out of the alley?”
“Good point.”
“What are you doing here?”