Page 30 of Cobra's Karma
Especially Abe with a beard. Back when we were together, he was clean-shaven. I didn’t think the man could get any hotter, but he had.
“Five minutes, that’s it. I have a friend over. We’re planning her wedding.” I swung the door open and waved him in.
I needed to know what Abe had told him. It might explain why I hadn’t had to deal with him for a while, or maybe he was just making good on his promise to be gone if I didn’t give him a chance. Admittedly, I would be severely disappointed if he wasn’t ever coming back.
“Thanks. I’ll be out of your hair lickety-split.” He stalked in, working his cocky swagger like the playboy I remembered him to be.
I shut the door, cutting my gaze at Jaynee, who stood back watching with interest.
“Into kid shows, aye?” He jerked his chin to the flatscreen above the fireplace, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
“Sure, isn’t everyone?” Nova must’ve paused the princess movie they were watching when she heard the motorcycle.
He noticed the teddy bear on the couch, the one Abe had given me on our first Valentine’s together. When Nova was born, I put it in her crib to have a piece of her daddy with her. I now saw what a stupid mistake it had been. I should’ve burned it.
“Do you have a kid?” He picked up the bear. “Cobra gave this to you.”
“No, he didn’t.” The words flew out of my mouth at lightning speed. Why had I let him in my house?
“I was with him when he bought it, Karma.” Levi scanned the room. “Where is she? Assuming it’s a little girl.” He jerked his chin to the flatscreen. “I don’t know many boys who like watching princess shows and have a bear with a pink bow on its neck.”
“I’m sure there are more than you think. I want you to leave.” I stood in front of him so he couldn’t snoop around anymore.
“Why are you being so mysterious? Is she Cobra’s?” He scratched the back of his head as if trying to make sense of it all. “Fuck, if it is, he’s going to lose his shit all over you, sweetheart. Lady M will take up the second round with an ass-chewing, the likes you’ve never seen. And then there’s—”
“I’m not worried,” I blurted on the verge of freaking out at the mention of Lady M.
“No? So you’re saying my brother isn’t the kid’s father? How old is she?”
Oh man, he wasn’t going to let up. Levi didn’t use to be so nosy. I should’ve never opened that fucking door.
“Did you hear me?” I put my hands on my hips and straightened my spine. Now was not the time to lose my grit. “I want you to leave.”
“Hey, I’m Hustler.” He turned toward Jaynee, totally ignoring me. “And you are?”
“Jaynee, Karma’s friend. My fiancé is Lynx.”
“Oh, yeah? He’s cool. I’m the treasure at the North Dakota chapter. Congratulations.” He nodded to her stomach.
“Thanks.” Jaynee smiled, but it was forced. She didn’t need to worry about Levi. He was only a harmless pain in the ass.
“I want to meet your kid,” he told me. The look in his eyes told me he wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Too bad for him. I’d grown into a bitch since he last saw me.
“Absolutely not. You came to check on me. As you can see, I’m quite well. Now please leave. Jaynee and I have time-sensitive stuff to do.” I could tell he didn’t believe me. It didn’t matter because I wouldn’t crumble and confess all.
“Why’d you leave? He was pretty fucked up, hell, he still is.” Levi wouldn’t stop. I didn’t understand why he cared so much if he knew Abe didn’t give a fuck about me.
“He knows what he did.” I crossed my arms and jutted my chin out.
“No, he doesn’t. I’ve asked him hundreds of times. He has no clue.”
“Yes, he does!” I was all out of patience. “I caught him with another girl, a club whore.”
“What?” he growled. “No, fucking way.”
“Don’t play stupid. I’m sure he’s bragged about it.”