Page 35 of Cobra's Karma
To fulfill our needs, we had women who attended our parties at Club Solo, a bar at The Aeros Casino, our pride and joy.
The property had a private landing strip where elite customers could fly in and out unseen. Most of our clients were celebrities and wealthy businessmen who liked to gamble and get their rocks off all in one place. But we also served the criminal underworld. To us, money was money, whether clean or dirty.
When my granddad Charlie had started the chapter back in nineteen eighty-six, gang violence had been out of control in Fargo. He’d gotten a small crew together for protection racketeering. Local businesses had been desperate and paid his asking price.
Our real money came from the casino. It made our coffers overflow. We didn’t need to provide protection, but we did it to stay in good standing with the community and show strength.
“Get you another?” Midnight jerked her chin to my empty glass. I was alone at the end of the bar, trying to keep a low profile. “It’s not like you to be alone, boss.” Her violet eyes raked over me slowly as her tongue darted out.
I surveyed the room. “There are over fifty people here. I’m far from alone.” I slid my glass toward her.
Bone and Spectre were at our private table with women. I wasn’t interested in watching them suck face. Buff hadn’t returned from collecting payments. Sometimes our customers hid from us if they didn’t have the money to pay for our services. My brother and the prospect would have to hunt our clients down and teach them a lesson about making timely payments.
“Well, I’m lonely. Wanna sneak into the back office?” She got me a clean glass and poured my favorite single barrel bourbon into it. “You could have my pussy and make me feellesslonely.”
“You know the rules.” I smiled, shaking my head. “We don’t touch our employees.”
“It’s a fucking stupid rule.”
“Perhaps.” But now that Karma was back in my life, I would keep my dick in check.
“If I didn’t have bills to pay, I’d give you my resignation.”
“Smart woman.” She’d never quit working here. We paid her double what she’d make tending bar elsewhere. The tips alone were reason enough to stay.
“My pussy doesn’t agree.” She sashayed away.
I took in the view as I swallowed down the amber liquid. Midnight would be an incredible fuck, no question. But I’d never mix business with pleasure. Even though I found her attractive, I didn’t want her. I only wanted Karma.
Drumming my fingers on my glass to one of Queen’s songs, I enjoyed the neon lights in the dim room. If Hustler would get here, I could hang with him for a while then leave. The last person I wanted to see was—”
“Christ, it’s been forever, Cobra.” Justine had her lips planted on mine faster than I could hop off my barstool and bolt. She held the back of my head firmly, pressing her tits against my arm.
I didn’t push her away for no other reason than she was familiar. And I was lonely, as Midnight had stated.
And Justine would likely cause a scene, then my brothers would get suspicious.
I’d allow this one kiss. Although I didn’t know why I was acting like a married man. I could take Justine into one of the private rooms in the Arcane Cockpit and work off all my sexual frustration. Fuckin’ Karma didn’t want me. Every time I came around, she pushed me away. I owed her nothing.
Fuck, that was my frustration and broken heart talking.
I owed my woman everything after what happened.
“Where have you been lately?” She rubbed her hand against my dick.
“Been busy.” I pulled back and returned to my drink.
“I know. You haven’t called me since…” She tapped her nail on her lips. “Was it before Christmas?”
“Sounds about right.”
“Who is she?” She cocked her head, giving me the evil eye.
“What’re you talking about?”
“I know you. You wouldn’t go without sex longer than a week unless you’re gone on a run with your brothers. Even then, you horny bastard probably found someone for a night.”
“As I said, I’ve been busy.” But Justine wasn’t wrong. I didn’t deprive myself of sex because I missed Karma and thought of her often. She had left me, so I had moved on with my life. Of course, I hadn’t been the same after losing my one and only.