Page 43 of Cobra's Karma
“How old is the child? Is it a boy or girl?” Lady M was determined to know if Karma’s kid might be mine. I knew she would do this, which was why I hadn’t mentioned Nova.
I groaned, dropping my head. This was not how I had imagined my parents finding out they might be grandparents.
“Answer your mother,” my father barked at me like I was a child. Of course, he’d side with her.
Family meant everything to my parents. They’d been after me for years to find a nice girl, settle down, and have a baby. But I couldn’t. Karma had been branded on my soul. No other woman could’ve pieced my heart back together.
“Can we remember I’m the president of the club now? Where is the respect for Christ’s sake? Not to mention I’m a goddamn man who doesn’t have to answer to anyone.”
“This isn’t club business, Abraham. If it were, I’d stay out of it.” She pointed at her chest. “I run this family. I’m the queen, so answer my questions,please.”
“I’d say his avoidance is confirmation, Lady M.” Hustler glowered at me. “He must know the kid is his.”
My mother gasped. “And for how long, Abe? If you tell me since before Christmas, I will rip off your ear!”
“I don’t know shit, all right?”
“Then fill us in on what you do know,” my father said.
“Fine, if it’ll get you off my damn back.” I inhaled a breath. “I had the shock of my life back in December when I flew Storm and his crew to Vegas.”
“I remember that.” Lady M nodded. “When you returned home, you were closed off to everyone.”
“Seeing Karma had messed me up again. She wouldn’t even talk to me.”
“What about the child?” Dad asked.
“I didn’t learn about Nova until months later when I guarded Storm’s compound when they had that shit going on with the Vipers.”
“Nova?” Lady M said the name with more emotion than I’d heard from her in a long time. “So it’s a girl. How old is she?” She placed her hand on her heart.
“I’m not sure. Karma hasn’t told me anything about her. I just know she looks a little older than Lynx’s little girl who’s five.”
“Does she look like any of us?” Piper sat beside me. “Like hair color or eyes, or my perfect nose?”
“Maybe. I’m not really sure.” I massaged my aching ribs. “I haven’t gotten a good enough look at her.”
“What about you, Levi?” Lady M turned toward Hustler. “Did you see the little girl?”
“No. But I saw the teddy bear Cobra gave Karma for Valentine’s sitting on the sofa. There was a princess show on. The kid must’ve been hiding with her little friend when I was there.”
“Sounds to me like Karma doesn’t want anyone to know she had Abe’s child.” My father got to his feet. “This situation is what you came to see about, isn’t it?”
“Well, what are you going to do about it, son? I won’t be kept away from my grandchild.”
“I’ll make her own up to it.” Although, Karma hadn’t been cooperative once in all these months. She was different, rough with razor-sharp edges. It made dealing with her maddening.
“I bet you’ll make her own up to it,” Hustler hissed. “Just leave her alone. She’s made a life for herself and the kid. She doesn’t need a cheating asshole like you around.”
“What?” Lady M cut her gaze at me. “So my suspicion was right?”
“You’re a lousy brother.” I pointed at Levi. “You don’t know shit about what happened.”
“Then tell us what happened,” my mother said.
I scrubbed my hands down my face. The office door opened, and Bone strutted in.