Page 47 of Cobra's Karma
I’d show Karma I was exactly what she needed. Once Buff was out of earshot, I returned to the phone call.
“Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. I want to see you. I’ll be in Bastion tomorrow.” My plans had been moved up with this phone call. I’d take Piper to see the baby on a different day. “Let me take you to lunch, and I want to meet Nova. I won’t take no for an answer. Let’s stop fighting and start repairing our broken relationship.” I waited for her sarcastic reply but didn’t hear anything, not even breathing. “Karma?”
I pulled the phone away and looked at the black screen.Son of a bitch. She’d hung up on me, and I had no idea what she heard. Like a fuckin’ idiot, I’d probably been talking to myself.
If Bastion wasn’t a few hours away, I’d go pound on her door. But she was clearly drunk. I meant what I said, though. I wanted to see her, and I wouldn’t take no for an answer, especially regarding Nova.
Tomorrow would begin the groveling I knew my woman would demand. A lesser man would say fuck it and forget her. Not me. I had experienced all the many sides of Karma. She might sound and act like a bitch, but it was all a front. I’d broken her sweet spirit, destroyed her zeal for life. It was up to me to put the pieces back together.
I was ready to make up for what had gone down that day. Hell, I wouldn’t have to do anything if she’d not run away. Had she stayed, I could’ve made her see how I hadn’t done anything wrong. Her betrayal, hiding my kid was worse than anything I’d done.
But I wasn’t an asshole. Yes, I was furious with her for keeping Nova from me. The truth was, if I hadn’t fucked up, Karma would’ve never left.
We were both wrong.
We both were horrible people.
We were fuckin’ made for each other, and I would not be denied any longer.
“Dr. Feelgood” blared in my room. I pulled my pillow over my head. That damn Jack Daniels had gone and done me wrong as always when I drank alone. If Mötley Crüe was on repeat, my party,for one, must’ve been a rocking good-time.
Not that I remembered what all I’d done, but I could feel my favorite,thickdildo digging into my thigh.
Shit, this was pathetic. How could I take that bitch out from the back of my underwear drawer?
You should’ve thrown it out a long time ago.
No shit.
I’d kept it around for when I fell into one of my funks, missing Abe. I had yet to find someone to measure up with a thicker dick than him. My dildo was the only thing to come close.
I tugged it out and noticed I was completely naked in bed. It appeared I’d gone all out, taking full advantage of Nova being gone. I wished I remembered how much I enjoyed last night and how many orgasms I’d given myself.
Damn you, Jack.
The sudden quiet when the song ended was glorious, then it started over.
I threw the pillow and launched myself out of bed to turn the music off. My head pounded and my body ached. Had I been doing acrobatics to get my kink on? Evidently, I was out of shape.
Jesus, I’m a slut when drunk.
A slut with only myself? Not a thing.
I dragged my sore body to the bathroom, peed then turned on the shower.
What time was it? Jaynee promised to have Nova home after lunch. Perhaps I should ask her to keep her until suppertime.
I went in search of my cell phone. Christ, the living room was a mess. I recalled ordering pizza since it was the only thing I could get delivered after midnight.
Bastion wasn’t anything like Branson, where I could have ribs and tacos delivered when I was in one of my depressed moods, but then the town was twice the size of Bastion.
“There you are.” I swiped my phone off the sofa, opened my messages, and promptly dropped it like a tarot death card. “Are you fucking kidding me, Jack? You lousy whiskey!”