Page 56 of Cobra's Karma
“That was almost six months ago.”
“I’m painfully aware of that. Why the fuck do you think I’m so hard up for you?” I even got tested to be sure I was clean just for her.
“I honestly don’t know.” She teared up.
“You don’t know?” My thrusts came faster and fiercer, smashing her against the bed. “Because I missed the fuck out of you. Because I love you. Because no woman in the fuckin’ universe could ever hold a candle to you.”
She shook her head and closed her eyes as I fucked her.
“Gimme your eyes, baby. Touch me, for Christ’s sake.” I sucked on her neck, marking her the way I used to. Of course, my love bites probably wouldn’t stand out with the number of tattoos on her body. “Show me how much you want me, how much you missed me.”
“There’s no point.” She just wouldn’t let herself enjoy being with me again. “Do you really think an apology and sex will fix everything between us?”
“Son of a bitch.” I pulled out and stormed to the bathroom. If she was going to be like this, I wouldn’t continue. I meant what I said about loving her and being dead inside when she was gone. But if she didn’t want me, I wouldn’t force myself on her.
I jerked off, squirting ropes of my cum into the toilet, then flushed it down the drain. I blew out a breath and pulled up my jeans with shaking hands. Furious didn’t come close to how I felt when I returned to her bedroom.
“I don’t fuckin’ know what to do with you!” I paced with my hands in fists. “If you’re never going to give me a second chance, just tell me now. I’ll leave you the fuck alone.” I pointed at her. “But I won’t let you keep my daughter from me, Karma. No fuckin’ way would I ever agree to that!”
“Abe?” Karma scrambled off the bed and fixed her robe, tying the belt around her waist. “I’m confused.”
“What do you want from me?” I stopped and pinned her in place with a hard stare. “I said I was sorry. I’ve been chasing you for months. You didn’t even deny Nova was my kid when I said I’d put my baby in youagain.”
“Shit.” She winced.
“I haven’t even given you hell for keeping her from me!” I roared like a maniac. “If you think I’m not going to fight for us, you’re wrong, Karma. You’re fuckin’ wrong!” Jesus, I was all over the fuckin’ place. I was letting her go in one breath, and in the next, I was vowing to fight for us. What a nut job.
She blinked as if stunned.
“My cum will never see the inside of the toilet again.” I wiped the sweat off my brow then pointed out the bedroom door. “You hear me? Next time, it’s either going down your throat, in your pussy, or in your ass.”
I went to her, took her chin in my hand, and ghosted my lips across hers. She sucked in a breath when my mouth descended on hers.
She responded, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me back.
I kissed her hard, thrusting my tongue past her lips and curling it with hers as our bodies smashed together. This woman had been my everything—she still was.
“I expect submission, Karma,” I said through my kisses. “And you’ll introduce me to Nova today.” I put her against the wall, loving how she rubbed her pelvis against my iron cock.
She reared back. Before she could tell me otherwise, I silenced her with my finger.
“Think about what you’re doing to her. Take me out of the equation if it’s the only way to get you to do the right thing. She deserves to know who her daddy is. My family shouldn’t be punished for my fuck up. Think of Lady M.”
“Damn you. I always loved your mother.”
“You kept her first grandbaby from her. She’s torn up over it.”
Karma dropped her chin to her chest. “It’d be kinder if you slapped me than throwing your mom in my face.”
“I’m sorry, but she’s had six babies. You know how she was looking forward to grandkids.” I lifted her chin with my finger and stared into her sad eyes. “Talk to me.” I was so desperate to hear her voice, to know what she’d been through and how she felt.
“There were nights I cried myself to sleep, thinking of Lady M and how she’d probably hate me when she found out about Nova.” She slipped past me and sat on the bed. The fight in her was dwindling.
“You only cried over my mom?”
“Shut up. You know I cried over you.” She exhaled a heavy breath. “I can’t keep fighting you now that I know you didn’t cheat, but I still want to see the video and talk to your brothers.”
“I can arrange both.”