Page 7 of Cobra's Karma
“Damn straight.” He sucked on my neck. “Come for me, baby. I want us to come together.”
It was like my body reacted to his words. I clenched around him and threw my arms around his neck. We called out each other’s names, sealed our lips together, and poured our love for the other into our kissing.
“This is the best birthday ever. Thank you.”
“I’d do anything for you, baby.”
“When will you claim me in your club?” His brothers had been giving him shit about it. They thought Abe was ridiculous for being with someone who wasn’t a legal drinker. They were such jerks, never to my face, but behind my back. It wasn’t that they didn’t like me. I got along great with all the Knights. They just thought I was too young to be an old lady.
I’d show them I was mature and capable of being Abe’s old lady, and the future queen of the Knight’s Legion MC, just like Lady M.
“I don’t know. Soon.”
Not the answer I hoped to hear. “What about your mark? Where do you want my first tattoo?”
“I’d hate to mare your perfect skin.” He glided his hand over my breast, down my torso, and gripped my thigh.
“But it’s tradition.” Hell yes, I wanted his name tattooed on my body. Somewhere prominent for the world to see I belonged to him.
“I’ll think about it.” He kissed me. “There’s no rush.”
True, we had all the time in the world.
Two pink lines. I dropped to my knees and hurled into the toilet. I knew it was only a matter of time before Abe knocked me up. I just didn’t think it would happen so fast. But then we’d had unprotected sex every day for the past month and a half.
Jeez, my man’s sperm is potent.
Now that I thought of it, I hadn’t gotten my period since before my birthday. Could it have happened while we were in Montana? Putting his baby in me would be the best present Abe could’ve given me.
I went to the sink, rinsed out my mouth, and then gurgled with mouthwash.
I needed to tell Abe. He’d been gone all week on a run and had texted when he got home last night sometime after midnight. We hadn’t made plans to see each other, although I was sure he’d want to get together and connect.
Living apart wasn’t an ideal situation. It would’ve been weird living in his parents’ home and doing the dirty deed with them down the hall. We weren’t exactly quiet when we had sex.
Abe wanted to get our own place and had promised he’d have something secured by our wedding. Knowing him, he had already found a house but wanted to surprise me.
I brushed my hair and dabbed a little lip gloss on my lips. I could text him I was pregnant, but the news was too important to send via a message. Abe would want to know the second I got the positive pregnancy test. He’d told me as much.
After I met with the lady making our wedding cake, I would stop by his house. He was probably catching up on sleep, which was why he hadn’t called me.
The Farmer’s Almanachad predicted the first snowfall would be by Halloween or the first week of November, only a couple of weeks away. I needed to have everything ready for our wedding.
Two hours later, I parked my Subaru in front of the clubhouse. My stomach was still queasy, but I attributed it to nerves for some strange reason. I wasn’t afraid to tell Abe I was pregnant. We both wanted a baby.
I wasn’t sure what was going on with me. I felt off after calling Abe’s phone, and he didn’t answer. Assuming he was sleeping the day away, I had called his mom, Lady M. She’d told me he was at the club.
It has to be pregnancy hormones. Don’t freak out.
But I was about to lose my shit.
One of the club girls was leaning against the wall smoking.
“What are you doing here?” I eyed Darla. The club girls were only allowed at the clubhouse for parties.
“Having a smoke. What does it look like, Kami.”
“It’s Karma and you know it, bitch. I’m here to see Cobra.” I glanced at the garage where Abe’s electric blue Harley was parked. He was most definitely here.