Page 90 of Cobra's Karma
“It’s like the ink on Mom’s tummy,” she said nonchalantly like a teenager would do.
“Oh boy.” Karma hopped off the chair and dropped onto her knees to check out Nova’s drawing. “Well, it doesn’t look exactly like the leaf on my stomach.” She grimaced, and it melted me.
“Yes, it does. Lift your shirt so I can get a better look,” Nova said in a demanding tone.
We all laughed. Lady M and Piper laughed.
“No, ma’am.” Karma shook her head, her cheeks turning pink.
“Nova, let’s go outside. I’ll give you a tour of the farm and show you the treehouse.” Piper reached her hand out.
“That’s a fantastic idea. I’ll clean up the crayons and bake a cake for dessert,” Lady M said.
“Is it okay for me to go with Auntie Piper, Mommy?” Nova scooted toward Karma. “Please.” She made praying hands.
“Yes, baby. You can go. Just don’t wander off alone.” She kissed Nova.
“Thanks!” Nova and Piper left.
“What’s that about?” Lady M hiked a curious brow.
“What’s what about?” Karma asked.
“Do you not trust Piper to take care of her?”
“Mom, seriously?” I shook my head, helping Karma to stand.
“Most mothers wouldn’t have thought twice about a child going with their auntie.”
“Well, Karma isn’t most mothers.”
“Abe, it’s okay.” Karma put her hand on my chest. “Lady M, we moved a lot. I didn’t trust people, so Nova is used to me being with her all the time. I’m hoping that changes.”
“I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” Lady M stood in front of Karma. “I don’t mean to be snotty.”
“I know you’re angry with me. I appreciate you not showing it in front of Nova.”
Lady M’s face softened. “Behind the nose ring, ink, and black hair, I still see the sweet girl who looked at my son like he was her superhero. I’ll get over the hurt.”
“We all have some hurt to get over.” Karma took my hand. “And some fences to mend.”
“If you’re talking about Abe, Micah and Silas, we’re on the same page.”
I rolled my eyes, but I was glad my mom and my woman were finding common ground.
“Wanna help me in the kitchen?” Lady M asked. “Start mending some of our broken fences?”
“I’d love to.” Karma wrapped her arms around my waist and stared at me with bright blue eyes. “Will you be okay?”
“You betcha. I have some calls to make.” I kissed her.
She smiled and went with my mom. Seeing them chatting relieved some of the stress I was carrying.
In three days, my life had totally changed. And all for the better.
I got my woman back and became a father. We were heading in the direction we were always meant to go.
Now I needed to protect what was mine.