Page 94 of Cobra's Karma
“Karma, please,” I begged, pulling on her hair, but it didn’t faze her. My woman was on a mission to make me come down her throat, and I was at her mercy. “Fine,” I growled.
My legs shook.
My heart pounded violently against my ribs.
My vision blurred.
I squeezed her head between my hands as my release slammed into me. I came harder than ever before. Where in the hell had she learned to be so wicked?
I gasped in air, wholly undone for maybe the second time in my life. The first was when I took Karma’s virginity. Making love to her had been like a religious experience for me.
My baby released my soft cock, and I crumpled onto the edge of her bed, my mind numb and my cock sucked dry.
“Yum.” She hummed as she cleaned the corners of her mouth.
“You’re the most beautiful woman.” I sat in awe of this goddess.
“You really need to talk less during sex. What happened to you while I was gone?”
“That’s just it. You were gone. I apparently need to talk to you every chance I get.” I’d missed everything about her, including her sultry voice. It was full-bodied, not soft or squeaky like some women.
“Poor baby, he’s so deprived.” She just had to tease me.
“Fuck yes, I am.”
“Well, I’m next.” She stretched her neck and lifted her arms above her head. “I’ll wait for you in bed.” She climbed onto the mattress behind me and slipped her shirt and bottoms off. “Hurry, Abe. I’m pulsing.”
“I need to pee. I’ll be quick.”
“Be lightning fast.” She sprawled out on the bed with her legs spread apart. The woman loved to taunt me. I had to admit, it got my engine running even though my tank was empty.
I pulled my pants on just in case I bumped into Nova.
After taking a piss, I splashed some water on my face. I was still coming down from the epic release Karma had given me. She could expect the same in return.
Multiple orgasms were on the menu for Karma with a side of no fuckin’ mercy.
My wicked woman would experience what she gave me tenfold. I could go for hours, eating her out. She’d be spent once I was finished with her—dead to the world for days.
I stopped at Nova’s door to listen for sounds she might be awake. I wasn’t sure if I had groaned or spewed expletives as I spray painted the back of Karma’s throat with my cum. If I had, my baby girl could be scarred for life. Because no kid should hear that sort of shit from their father.
When it appeared all was well, I continued to Karma’s room. I hoped she was ready for me.
I stilled with my hand on the doorknob when creaking came from the front of the house. It was too loud to be an animal, and it couldn’t have been one of Storm’s crew. A biker’s ears always perked up when the low roar of a wide-open throttle entered his space. We felt the vibration deep in the marrow of our bones.
I stealthily advanced toward the living room, wishing I had brought my gun inside. I hadn’t even considered it with Nova in the house.
More creaking.
The doorknob moved as if the prowler hoped it was unlocked. They had better turn around and go back to where they came from. Breaking and entering a private home were grounds for self-defense, especially if they had a gun, which I assumed they did. I was liable to attack first and ask questions after I beat the shit out of the thief.
I focused on the door’s lock, thinking I heard them picking it. The fuckers were doing it. They were set on breaking in. Son of a bitch, what if it was that fucker, Stein?
I’ll kill him!
Don’t forget about Nova.
Dammit, I couldn’t even call someone because my fuckin’ phone was in Karma’s bedroom. Storm’s compound wasn’t close by. Only The Bullet was open at this time of night. I wasn’t sure which of my cousin’s men handled security there. Calling the police or flipping the alarm wasn’t an option. The sound would definitely scare Nova.