Page 11 of Hustler's Hope
“We can work alternating shifts.”
“And when would we sleep?”
“I don’t know.” Mercy’s face fell slack.
“Exactly. Not to mention it’s getting more dangerous in the ER with all the gang activity. Every night it’s chaotic.”
“You need to tell Callahan you’re pregnant. Maybe she’ll switch you to days.”
“You know that’s not possible. And why would I tell her if I don’t know if I’m keeping it.” Great, now she had me rethinking my choices. I needed to end this conversation stat.
“Tell Hustler.” Mercy came to me and took my hands. “Tell him before you start your shift. He’ll help you out financially. Maybe he wants a baby. He did say he wanted to date you.”
“A bad-boy, girl-chasing biker can’t be trusted.” I threw my head back and laughed. “I assure you, Hustler doesn’t want a—”
“Hustler doesn’t want what?” A male voice came from behind me.
I froze and released Mercy’s hands. Slowly I turned around.
“I’m waiting for an answer, Nurse Parker.” Doctor Hayes’s intense stare sent an icy chill down my spine.
“You interrupted a private conversation.” I went and poured the rest of my tea into the sink and washed out my mug. Who did he think he was to question me?
“Hustler’s my friend.” He came to my side. “Are you involved with him?”
“You assume we’re talking about the same person.”
“And are you saying there’s more than one person in North Dakota named Hustler? No chance. Now answer me. Are you involved with him?”
“No.” Admittedly, I was stunned. I supposed if I knew more about the biker, I might’ve known he had a friend at the hospital. I so didn’t need this today.
“Then why were you talking about him? You seem like you’re hiding something.”
“Honestly, Doctor Hayes. You shouldn’t be so nosy; it’s bad manners. If Hustler is your friend, you know he’s quite the ladies’ man. Us nurses all talk about him.”
“I’ll just ask him myself.” He drilled his severe gaze into mine, but I wasn’t intimidated in the least.
“Good luck with that.” I laughed loudly, so he felt like a fool. “He won’t know who you’re talking about.”
“Why won’t he?” Doctor Hayes looked at me strangely.
“Have a good day, doc.” I took my mug and grabbed Mercy by the hand, nearly running out of the room. He had no right to question me.
“Oh my gosh, is he really friends with the biker?” Mercy whisper-shouted.
“I have no idea.” After we made it to the parking lot, I leaned against my car to catch my breath. “If he says anything to Hustler, he’ll come sniffing around.” I squeezed her hand. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.” My stomach churned and my knees felt weak. I needed sleep, then I could deal with the events of the day.
“It’s not my news to tell.”
“Thank you.”
“Hope?” A man’s voice called.
“Could this day get any worse?” I muttered, turning around.
“Isn’t he someone you hooked up with?” Mercy asked in a quiet voice.