Page 17 of Hustler's Hope
Nova’s excitement made everything better.
“Come on, Granddad, you’re working the rope on the donkey.” I jerked my chin for Ben to follow.
“Is there a hidden meaning there, Lady M?”
“A hidden meaning with the jackass? Maybe.” I swayed my hips as I went down the stairs.
“Tonight, you’re mine,” he growled.
“We’ll see about that,” I threw over my shoulder, but I knew he’d get me. He always could.
Ben was my anchor, and I was his.
We stuck together through thick and thin, no matter what life threw at us. We’d experienced it all. Good times and bad, heartache, the unexpected, danger… death. I wouldn’t have made it through some of it without him. The same was true for him with me.
Some things were out of our control, like our children’s behavior and the actions of others. I shouldn’t have been salty with him. I knew he meant well, but some wounds never fully healed. They just got crusty until the scab was ripped off, then the son of a bitch oozed and burned all over again.
“I’m so happy you’re back.” I curled my arm around Karma and gave her a squeeze.
“Me too. Thank you for—” She shut her mouth as a car pulled up.
“Jesus Christ,” Cobra hissed.
“Abe, who’s that?” Karma asked.
“I’ll handle it.” He raised his hands. “I’ll handle it.” He stalked toward the car and a woman got out.
“Lady M, do you know who that is?”
“No.” I tightened my grip around her.
“Unbelievable,” Piper said as she stood beside Karma. “That bitch has no business coming here.”
“Who is she?” Karma asked, eyes on Abe. “Wait, don’t tell me. She’s a club girl, isn’t she? She’s been with Abe.”
I recognized the woman now. She’d been at the casino the night Levi had attacked Abe for cheating on Karma, which he hadn’t. That was when the truth came out about Silas and Micah’s part in breaking up Abe and Karma.
“I’ll be back.” Karma took a step, and I stopped her.
“Don’t overreact. You two weren’t together when he was with her.” I tugged her back.
“Well, she shouldn’t be here.”
“No, she shouldn’t,” Piper said through gritted teeth. “Want me to handle her, Momma?”
“No, baby. I think Karma should do it. Abe’s her man.”
“What should I do?” Karma put her hand on her stomach. The move gave me pause. I knew they’d been trying for a baby. Could she be pregnant?
“It doesn’t have to be messy or violent. Abe seems to be straightening her out.” Quite furiously too. “You just go over, put your hand in his and show a united front. Don’t appear like she shook the foundation of your relationship.”
“She hasn’t,” Karma said confidently.
“Good. Now go tell her to leave and to never come back. And be sure she knows the consequences if she does.”
Karma nodded, exhaling a breath as she left.
“Should we go with her?” Piper asked.