Page 61 of Hustler's Hope
“That’s Aeros Casino. Have you never been out here?”
“Never. I knew there was a casino, but I avoided them because of my parents.”
“I doubt they ever came here. Our customers generally have a lot of money. We serve an elite clientele.” I pointed to the right. “They fly in from all over the world and land on our own private strip. We have luxury suites and top-rated chefs. Aeros Casino is a destination for many.”
“That’s really impressive.”
“Do you want to go in?”
“No.” She winced. “I mean, I’d rather not.”
“It’s okay.” I took her free hand and laced our fingers. “You don’t have to. I just wanted you to see where I work during the week.”
“I appreciate it. Now I’ll be able to picture you here.” She bit into the cone, happily enjoying it.
“Let’s play a game.” I kissed her hand. “The ‘If’ game.”
“I don’t think I know it.”
“It’s a made-up game my siblings, and I used to play when we were kids and into our teenage years. It’s easy. I’ll start.”
“If you could go anywhere, where would you go?”
“Oh, that’s a hard one. There are so many places I’d like to see, but I’d love to go to a village in an impoverished country. Maybe help build a school or well. Do anything to make a difference in someone’s life.”
She blew my mind.
“Levi? Did I answer wrong?”
“No, baby. Not at all.” I pressed my lips against the back of her hand. “You’re incredible, is all. Selfless and caring.”
“You’re sweet. Is it my turn to ask you a question?”
“Yes, go for it.”
“If you were in the market to buy a dog, what kind would you get?”
“Oh, this is easy. Newfies. Those gentle giants are the best.”
“What’s a Newfie?” She twisted her lips, thinking. “I’ve never heard of them before.”
“It’s a Newfoundland. Search them up.”
Hope took out her phone straight away. “Oh my gosh! No joke, they’re gigantic.”
“But they’re gentle. The perfect family dog and great with kids.” I winked at her.
“They look like they could eat a kid.”
“Nah, they couldn’t hurt a fly.”
“If you say so.” She scanned through images of Newfies.
“My turn again.” I liked the direction she had taken us in. I might be pushing it with my next question, but she could handle it.
“Okay, shoot.”