Page 63 of Hustler's Hope
If it would’ve been anyone else, I wouldn’t answer, but it was my dad. He wouldn’t call after midnight unless it was an emergency.
“Who’s calling?” Hope muttered.
“Shh, go back to sleep. I need to take this.”
“Mhm.” She settled back down.
I slid out of bed and left the room. “Hey, what’s up?”
“You need to get to the casino and ensure everything is secure and the employees are out of the building.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Two locations that were marked with FF exploded.”
“Holy shit!” I put my hand on my head and paced.
“What happened?” Mercy ran out of her bedroom and froze. Her eyes raked over my body.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to bed.” I turned around and went back to Hope’s bedroom. Mercy acted like she’d never seen a man in boxer briefs before. Weirdo.
“Are you there?” Dad growled.
“Yeah, I’m listening.” I quietly closed the door and searched for my clothes.
“Cobra and your brothers are out dealing with it. Easton captured the asshole who attacked Hope.”
“They got him? Why hasn’t anyone called me?”
“Levi?” She turned on the light on the nightstand. “What’s going on?” She yawned, blinking her eyes to adjust them.
I pointed to the phone.
“I am calling you. Cobra wants to interrogate him, then he’s all yours. But first, you need to go to the casino.”
“I’m on it.”
“Good. Be safe.” He ended the call.
I rushed to put on my clothes and boots.
“Where are you going?”
“Yeah, some shit is going down.” I sat next to her on the bed. “There were a couple of explosions in town.”
“Oh my gosh! Any fatalities?” She sat up.
“I don’t know. When this sort of thing happens, the club gets involved. Fargo is our territory, and we take care of what’s ours.”
“Right. I get it.”
“Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m not abandoning you. I’m just leaving for a while, but I’m coming back.” I felt the need to reassure her. This was her first taste of the MC life she signed up for.
“I appreciate you saying that. Please be careful.” She puckered her lips.
“Mason will come to watch over you. I won’t leave you vulnerable.” I nibbled on her bottom lip.
“Okay. When do you think you’ll be back?”