Page 14 of Torrid Track
My sweater caught fire, and the heat instantly blistered my skin. “Hurry. Hurry!” I wailed in pain and wiggled frantically, pressing my sleeve against the seat to extinguish the flames.
Thankfully, I was small enough to escape out of the broken passenger window. I used my legs to push myself into position and ignored the glass slicing through my legs.
“Please, God.” I held my breath as smoke overwhelmed me, then remembered the glove box. I might’ve had a chance to get away if Bruno hadn’t discovered the money I’d tucked into the owner’s manual on the rare occasion he let me drive to town alone. He always knew I’d return because of Brynne. Then again, he likely didn’t care if I ever came back as long as he had his daughter.
Hurry Tina. Hurry.
I grabbed the latch, howling in agony as the metal fried my fingertips. I fought through the excruciating pain and opened the box. Mercifully, the contents were intact. I took out the booklet, shoved it into my bra, and climbed out of the SUV.
I crawled in the snow as fast as possible to safety, not looking back or fearing that one of Bruno’s henchmen stood watch and saw me. The frigid December air didn’t slow me down. My burned hand welcomed the cold snow.
A loud explosion shook the ground and knocked me forward. A sob seized from my chest as I watched the scene before me. Seconds had made all the difference in my survival. It was a miracle I had woken up when I did. A precious gift that the fires of Hell hadn’t ravaged my body and turned me to ashes.
Remembering the manual in my bra, I removed the book and paged through it. I cried harder when I found the money. It was only five hundred dollars, but it would get me out of Chicago. I tucked the bills into my bra, rose to my feet, and tossed the booklet into the wreckage. Wrapping my good arm around my body, I limped along and disappeared into the woods.
One day, I hoped to see my daughter again.
I prayed she would understand why I needed to leave her and would forgive me.
My leg bounced under the kitchen table as I listened to Storm talk about the goings on in Minnesota. I couldn’t focus. Couldn’t stay still. Pissed off didn’t come close to how I felt after Brynne threatened to tell her father about me. She shocked the hell out of me, that was for sure.
I’d forgive her once because I was confident she didn’t know her old man was a violent piece of shit. But if there was a second time, I would punish her.
How would you punish her, asshole?
I didn’t have a clue what I’d do or what would be appropriate. I shouldn’t feel anything for her beyond protectiveness. Not attraction or intrigue. Definitely not lust.
If she were any other woman and not Tina’s daughter, spanking her for disobeying would be okay, or having her deep-throat me. Both activities would be hot-as-fuck. Controlling a woman made my cock excited. It wasn’t about fucking for me. Domination and giving orders were where I got my thrills.
She’s your step-sister.
Not only that. I didn’t hurt women. Didn’t get close to any chick or fall in love.
Since my mom’s murder, I’d remained detached. Indifferent. Dead inside. When I’d taken a kitten to my room, it wasn’t for sex.
Of course, I got off, but I had been hands-off with women. There was no tenderness. No sweet caresses. No emotions.
I watched them on my bed from the chair in the corner of my bedroom. I directed. Ordered. Controlled them.
Before I’d come to Montana, the judging looks I’d gotten from the old ladies after they’d seen me with Misty hurt. They believed I really liked her. Thought I’d actually stick my cock in her diseased pussy. Shit wasn’t always as it seemed. Storm had ordered me to play the part. He knew I could keep Misty occupied and out of the other brother’s hair. I had done the job my Prez gave me, but it had come at a cost.
My reputation had been marred.
The respect I’d once received from the old ladies diminished. I couldn’t take the whispers after that fucking bitch, Misty, had taken the babies. I’d understood the women were on edge. They had every right to be, but after that event, I realized how much I loved my brothers’ wives. I cared about their well-being on too deep of a level and needed to get out of Minnesota to straighten myself out, clear my head, and harden my heart all over again.
And what the fuck had I done?
Developed feelings for my step-sister.
I slammed my hand on the table. Espada and the others turned toward me. I’d gotten into my head and forgot we were on a conference call.
“What the fuck was that?” Storm growled.
I pointed at my brothers, issuing a warning look to keep quiet. “I smashed a bug on the table.” A harmless lie compared to my other sins.